12 golden rules for a healthy diet that will change your life. There are no strict prohibitions!
What are the rules of supply? In today's world, they are essential, as the pressure of advertising, we buy more and more harmful and unnecessary products. Explore the 12 rules of healthy eating, which will help you to become slim and restore immunity. Also, you will be always in good spirits and full of energy by changing their way of life according to these food standards.
1. Eat to live
Food - not a goal but a means to achieve satiety. Eat only healthy foods to acquire the necessary physical and mental qualities. This will help you get the really important goals for you.
2. Appetite - fiction
Appetite - is the result of human debauchery. Most animals eat only when hunger. A man, a spoiled abundance, has long been an exception to this rule of nature. In this situation, it can only help temper which will soon set you free from compulsive addictions.
3. Juice life
Everyone knows that the human body consists of water. And on its quantity and quality it depends not only metabolism. The required amount of water for human - 30 ml per kilogram. In hot summer time water consumption can be increased.
4. Solid and liquid food
Saliva plays a very important role in the digestive process. For a correct and proper digestion of solid foods to chew to the state of the liquid mixture with saliva. A liquid (milk, soup, borscht, fruit drinks, teas, etc.) do not rush to swallow. First you need to mix the food with saliva.
You can not drink water, food. It only dilute the gastric juice, and will not contribute to the full digestion.
5. Feel the taste of food
Do not rush to eat more. Food should remain in the mouth for as long as you feel its taste. This allows you to get the maximum taste sensations from a minimum of food. Using this technique, you'll be able to eat the third part of the usual amount of food. This will prevent you from overeating.
6. Concentrate on eating
What is being done without the distraction is carried out more efficiently. Do not combine a meal with something that distracts you. For example, when you eat, do not read it, do not watch TV and even more do not work.
7. Do not eat before bed
Do not eat for at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Food is digested normally, only while the person is moving. If there is a before bedtime, during sleep, life processes are slowed down. This leads to stagnation and fermentation of food, an increase in the intestines and stomach, the emergence of diseases of the digestive system, and restless sleep. In the morning because of this you will be hard to wake up.
8. Do not force yourself!
If you decide to change eating habits, do it gradually so that the body has had time to readjust. Do not give up old habits once using restrictions. This will not lead to anything good.
9. Cleansing the body
To preserve the health you need to make a special cleansing of the body. If your health permits, a weekly total fasting for at least 24 hours. During this period, all the organs of digestion are well rested, restored and self-cleaning. This can be done only under the supervision of a specialist, having passed a medical examination and get advice.
10. You - what you eat
The body is formed from the fact that it receives. For many of us want to be healthy and feel good. It became really fashionable. By controlling the diet can influence the formation of the body, the condition of the senses, the mind, and even the fate.
11. Alkalization of the body
Many diseases arise due to violation of the acid-base balance of the body. Change is possible by means of food that will help shift the balance of the body to the alkaline side.
12. Individual approach
Choosing a diet and nutrition, to take into account all the principles of good nutrition, but do not forget to focus primarily on well-being. This is always guided by intuitive common sense.
These 12 rules of proper nutrition will help you gain easy, lose weight, feel better. They will act when your will become a way of life.
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1. Eat to live
Food - not a goal but a means to achieve satiety. Eat only healthy foods to acquire the necessary physical and mental qualities. This will help you get the really important goals for you.
2. Appetite - fiction
Appetite - is the result of human debauchery. Most animals eat only when hunger. A man, a spoiled abundance, has long been an exception to this rule of nature. In this situation, it can only help temper which will soon set you free from compulsive addictions.
3. Juice life
Everyone knows that the human body consists of water. And on its quantity and quality it depends not only metabolism. The required amount of water for human - 30 ml per kilogram. In hot summer time water consumption can be increased.
4. Solid and liquid food
Saliva plays a very important role in the digestive process. For a correct and proper digestion of solid foods to chew to the state of the liquid mixture with saliva. A liquid (milk, soup, borscht, fruit drinks, teas, etc.) do not rush to swallow. First you need to mix the food with saliva.
You can not drink water, food. It only dilute the gastric juice, and will not contribute to the full digestion.
5. Feel the taste of food
Do not rush to eat more. Food should remain in the mouth for as long as you feel its taste. This allows you to get the maximum taste sensations from a minimum of food. Using this technique, you'll be able to eat the third part of the usual amount of food. This will prevent you from overeating.

6. Concentrate on eating
What is being done without the distraction is carried out more efficiently. Do not combine a meal with something that distracts you. For example, when you eat, do not read it, do not watch TV and even more do not work.
7. Do not eat before bed
Do not eat for at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Food is digested normally, only while the person is moving. If there is a before bedtime, during sleep, life processes are slowed down. This leads to stagnation and fermentation of food, an increase in the intestines and stomach, the emergence of diseases of the digestive system, and restless sleep. In the morning because of this you will be hard to wake up.
8. Do not force yourself!
If you decide to change eating habits, do it gradually so that the body has had time to readjust. Do not give up old habits once using restrictions. This will not lead to anything good.
9. Cleansing the body
To preserve the health you need to make a special cleansing of the body. If your health permits, a weekly total fasting for at least 24 hours. During this period, all the organs of digestion are well rested, restored and self-cleaning. This can be done only under the supervision of a specialist, having passed a medical examination and get advice.
10. You - what you eat
The body is formed from the fact that it receives. For many of us want to be healthy and feel good. It became really fashionable. By controlling the diet can influence the formation of the body, the condition of the senses, the mind, and even the fate.
11. Alkalization of the body
Many diseases arise due to violation of the acid-base balance of the body. Change is possible by means of food that will help shift the balance of the body to the alkaline side.
12. Individual approach
Choosing a diet and nutrition, to take into account all the principles of good nutrition, but do not forget to focus primarily on well-being. This is always guided by intuitive common sense.
These 12 rules of proper nutrition will help you gain easy, lose weight, feel better. They will act when your will become a way of life.
Share with your friends this useful article on the golden rules of useful power!
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