Top of enjoyment for the lazy gourmet! 15 for original recipes.
Not all delicious recipes require prior shopping trip delicacies and substantial purchases in the market. Expensive and rare products is not always guarantee that the dish will turn out really delicious. Even the most simple ingredients you can prepare culinary delights, appearance and taste which will give you a real bliss. Total 3 ingredients - and you're done! Even the laziest of the kitchen of the people can not help but cooking is so delicious and affordable meals. One look at these recipes is enough to immediately go to the kitchen ...
1. To begin, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Carefully smazh muffin tins with oil. 600g grated potatoes, green onions and half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese Mix in a bowl, add salt and pepper, add your favorite spices to your taste. Drizzle everything with vegetable oil and mix well. Move the mixture into the mold, bake muffins for an hour. Very tasty with cream!
2. Fry the nuts for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. 1 tbsp. walnuts, 1 tbsp. dates and 1 tbsp. any other dried fruit ground in a blender. Wrap in plastic wrap weight and refrigerate. Frozen Square Cut into bars.
3. Swar 2 tbsp. pasta-shells in 2 tbsp. milk. Tucked ready pasta with grated cheese, if desired - sour cream.
4. Mix 1 tbsp. orange juice, 500 g of a mixture of baking and 200 grams of yogurt. To add taste and flavor to the cake finely grated orange zest. Dessert Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
5. Bake 4 potatoes at 200 degrees. Prepare the stuffing for boats of fried bacon, core baked potato and cream cheese. Fill the potato filling and bake for another 15 minutes.
6. Prepare the sauce of honey and mustard, marinate the chicken slices in it. Chop the pretzels into crumbs, chicken roll in it. Bake slices on the lattice for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
7. The decoctions until cooked chicken legs and zaley of "Coca-Cola" - 2 liters will be enough. Boil the chicken in a sweet drink for 20 minutes. This also add 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Vari chicken in sweet-salty sauce for another 20 minutes.
8. Fry 100 g hazelnuts at 180 degrees about 15 minutes. Grind the nuts to a state of cereals in the food processor. Vzbey in foam 1 egg white with sugar and a pinch of salt, add in a lot of nuts. Lay the cookies on the laid parchment baking sheet and bake for about 30 minutes.
9. Mix 1/4 cup of "Nutella", 2 eggs and 1/2 cup flour. Stir the dough until smooth. Bake the pie 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
10. Melt 2 chocolate bars and 150 grams of butter. Vzbey mixer 7 eggs. Stir the chocolate with whipped eggs. Baking dish with high sides are covered with parchment and smazh butter. Outside the form required to wrap in foil. Place the prepared pan into a larger pot filled with boiling water. Prepare the cake in the oven in a water bath for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
11. Vzbey cream with sugar and smazh of cookies, carefully laying his slide.
12. Mix 2 tbsp. orange juice, 1/4 Art. sugar and a pinch of salt. Vzbey everything in a blender until sugar is dissolved. Pour mixture into a plastic container and place in freezer. Every 30 minutes, the mixture was stirred, after 2 hours sorbet is ready!
13. Mix 350 g of butter, 1/2 Art. sugar and a pinch of salt. Add the flour and knead the dough. Roll out a thin cake biscuits and grave. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
14. Article 1/2. Cold water was added 1 hour. L. sugar and a pinch of salt. Sprinkling a thin layer 2 of Art. flour on the table, chop into small pieces 200g butter. The chopped flour with butter pour the water and quickly knead the dough. Lagging behind it in a cool place for 2 hours. Roll out the puff pastry, folding it in several layers, and we will cut triangles, roll bagels stuffed with grated chocolate. Top Brush the croissants with beaten egg and bake for 20 minutes.
15. zest of 4 lemons we shall cut strips, zaley water and boil for 20 minutes. Strain the cooked peel and add to it 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. water. Vari peel 10 minutes. Vsyp another 1 tbsp. sugar, prepare the syrup and let it cool. In a saucepan with the syrup add 3 tbsp. cream and boil over low heat. Squeeze of lemon juice, shares it in a pan. Spill the mixture in the form of beautiful glass and let it harden, decorate with whipped cream.
I do not even know what the recipe to start experiments in the kitchen! Dishes of 3 ingredients inspired me to cook something special ... If you liking these brilliant ideas, show them to friends. Cooking food turns into fun with these recipes!
via takprosto cc
1. To begin, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Carefully smazh muffin tins with oil. 600g grated potatoes, green onions and half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese Mix in a bowl, add salt and pepper, add your favorite spices to your taste. Drizzle everything with vegetable oil and mix well. Move the mixture into the mold, bake muffins for an hour. Very tasty with cream!

2. Fry the nuts for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. 1 tbsp. walnuts, 1 tbsp. dates and 1 tbsp. any other dried fruit ground in a blender. Wrap in plastic wrap weight and refrigerate. Frozen Square Cut into bars.

3. Swar 2 tbsp. pasta-shells in 2 tbsp. milk. Tucked ready pasta with grated cheese, if desired - sour cream.

4. Mix 1 tbsp. orange juice, 500 g of a mixture of baking and 200 grams of yogurt. To add taste and flavor to the cake finely grated orange zest. Dessert Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

5. Bake 4 potatoes at 200 degrees. Prepare the stuffing for boats of fried bacon, core baked potato and cream cheese. Fill the potato filling and bake for another 15 minutes.

6. Prepare the sauce of honey and mustard, marinate the chicken slices in it. Chop the pretzels into crumbs, chicken roll in it. Bake slices on the lattice for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

7. The decoctions until cooked chicken legs and zaley of "Coca-Cola" - 2 liters will be enough. Boil the chicken in a sweet drink for 20 minutes. This also add 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Vari chicken in sweet-salty sauce for another 20 minutes.

8. Fry 100 g hazelnuts at 180 degrees about 15 minutes. Grind the nuts to a state of cereals in the food processor. Vzbey in foam 1 egg white with sugar and a pinch of salt, add in a lot of nuts. Lay the cookies on the laid parchment baking sheet and bake for about 30 minutes.

9. Mix 1/4 cup of "Nutella", 2 eggs and 1/2 cup flour. Stir the dough until smooth. Bake the pie 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

10. Melt 2 chocolate bars and 150 grams of butter. Vzbey mixer 7 eggs. Stir the chocolate with whipped eggs. Baking dish with high sides are covered with parchment and smazh butter. Outside the form required to wrap in foil. Place the prepared pan into a larger pot filled with boiling water. Prepare the cake in the oven in a water bath for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

11. Vzbey cream with sugar and smazh of cookies, carefully laying his slide.

12. Mix 2 tbsp. orange juice, 1/4 Art. sugar and a pinch of salt. Vzbey everything in a blender until sugar is dissolved. Pour mixture into a plastic container and place in freezer. Every 30 minutes, the mixture was stirred, after 2 hours sorbet is ready!

13. Mix 350 g of butter, 1/2 Art. sugar and a pinch of salt. Add the flour and knead the dough. Roll out a thin cake biscuits and grave. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

14. Article 1/2. Cold water was added 1 hour. L. sugar and a pinch of salt. Sprinkling a thin layer 2 of Art. flour on the table, chop into small pieces 200g butter. The chopped flour with butter pour the water and quickly knead the dough. Lagging behind it in a cool place for 2 hours. Roll out the puff pastry, folding it in several layers, and we will cut triangles, roll bagels stuffed with grated chocolate. Top Brush the croissants with beaten egg and bake for 20 minutes.

15. zest of 4 lemons we shall cut strips, zaley water and boil for 20 minutes. Strain the cooked peel and add to it 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. water. Vari peel 10 minutes. Vsyp another 1 tbsp. sugar, prepare the syrup and let it cool. In a saucepan with the syrup add 3 tbsp. cream and boil over low heat. Squeeze of lemon juice, shares it in a pan. Spill the mixture in the form of beautiful glass and let it harden, decorate with whipped cream.

I do not even know what the recipe to start experiments in the kitchen! Dishes of 3 ingredients inspired me to cook something special ... If you liking these brilliant ideas, show them to friends. Cooking food turns into fun with these recipes!
via takprosto cc
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