Monday Take: 12 postcards funny how hard to live a healthy lifestyle.
Probably each of us promised himself Monday or next month to start a healthy lifestyle. That is, to play sports, get enough sleep and eat a balanced way. But time passes, and the stone from the place did not move. Everyone is looking for excuses. But the main thing - it is the desire and the right motivation. Then everything will turn out. We picked for you 10 fun and ironic postcards about a healthy lifestyle. Come to them with humor.
Think of these cards with light irony. And do not forget that a healthy lifestyle - it is a sport, proper nutrition and enough sleep. And no bad habits.
Share with your friends this selection may have someone finds themselves in these characters!
via takprosto cc

Think of these cards with light irony. And do not forget that a healthy lifestyle - it is a sport, proper nutrition and enough sleep. And no bad habits.
Share with your friends this selection may have someone finds themselves in these characters!
via takprosto cc
Musical instruments in the interior. Never seen anything like it!
You can drown on dry land. Important information for anyone who is going to the sea!