How to grow garlic on the windowsill: your personal mini-bed.
Garlic is a product needed in the kitchen of every housewife. This simple ingredient is able to give almost every dish a unique taste and smell, so it is important to always have it handy. In order not to run to the shops in search of fresh garlic, offers start growing it right in their windowsill. This plant is very unpretentious, because it will be very easy!
1. So, you need to pick up the pot depth of 20 cm with holes for drainage. It is best to choose a pot a little more, so that it can be planted garlic bulbs at a distance of 10 cm apart and 10 cm from the rim of the pot.
2. Now you need to prepare the ground. Mix garden soil with sand. The ratio of the soil to be 3: 1.
3. Fill the container with soil, leaving about 3 cm space at the top.
4. Take the usual garlic bulbs and cloves of garlic on a stripped. Keep them flat end pointing down and the pointed end up.
5. Insert the bulb by 10-15 cm in the soil. It should be 3 cm of soil between the top of the bulb and the upper part of the soil.
6. Plant garlic cloves at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
7. Put the pot so that it is exposed to direct sunlight at least 8 hours a day. Sill kitchen window is ideal for pot.
8. Put the container with the garlic in a sink, tub or other place where the water would drain. Fields soil uniformly spraying it with water. Give water to drain through the holes in the bottom of the pot.
9. watered frequently to keep the soil moist, but not wet.
10. It will be necessary to shave off shoots at the base, when they start to sprout.
11. Gather the harvest of garlic after 8-10 months, when the shoots begin to die and turn brown.
This way you can grow garlic as much as you need and do not have to run to the store for garlic of dubious origin. Only eat organic foods!
via takprosto cc

1. So, you need to pick up the pot depth of 20 cm with holes for drainage. It is best to choose a pot a little more, so that it can be planted garlic bulbs at a distance of 10 cm apart and 10 cm from the rim of the pot.
2. Now you need to prepare the ground. Mix garden soil with sand. The ratio of the soil to be 3: 1.
3. Fill the container with soil, leaving about 3 cm space at the top.
4. Take the usual garlic bulbs and cloves of garlic on a stripped. Keep them flat end pointing down and the pointed end up.
5. Insert the bulb by 10-15 cm in the soil. It should be 3 cm of soil between the top of the bulb and the upper part of the soil.
6. Plant garlic cloves at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
7. Put the pot so that it is exposed to direct sunlight at least 8 hours a day. Sill kitchen window is ideal for pot.
8. Put the container with the garlic in a sink, tub or other place where the water would drain. Fields soil uniformly spraying it with water. Give water to drain through the holes in the bottom of the pot.
9. watered frequently to keep the soil moist, but not wet.
10. It will be necessary to shave off shoots at the base, when they start to sprout.
11. Gather the harvest of garlic after 8-10 months, when the shoots begin to die and turn brown.
This way you can grow garlic as much as you need and do not have to run to the store for garlic of dubious origin. Only eat organic foods!
via takprosto cc
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