The magician showed how to grow 2 kg of green onions on the windowsill so that it was fresh for the New Year holidays
Homemade windowsill It will be a great alternative to buying. On the threshold of winter, and the body needs nutrients and nutrients. And get them best from a natural and fresh home beam. So, you can easily prepare fragrant salads and not spend money on store semi-strained specimens. Let's start planting a vegetable.
This method of planting onions is also called “carpet”, because you need to arrange small bulbs as close as possible each other. And when they begin to sprout, they will resemble a real fluffy and soft mat. By the way, you can grow your vitamin reserve on the windowsill at least all winter. It is important to have the time and desire to do this.
To begin with, we will figure out what the responsible gardener will need, who decided to get a mini plot on his own windowsill. We can't do without it. flowerpot, land, bags, and, of course, do not forget onions. Experienced gardeners recommend not to bother with a package, but to use large bottles, but this issue will be discussed later.
Vitamin bouquet The size of the flower pot choose in your opinion. If you want to add window sills more aestheticThese beautiful glasses will help you do that. But since this question is not fundamental, you can plant a bow in a large five-liter bottle. Some amateurs may not even use the soil. Instead, they plant onions in small pieces of newspapers, sawdust or filler for cat toilets.
Moreover, there is a point that somewhat simplifies the planting of onions in a large bottle. The side walls of the bottle help to ensure that the green stems grow smoothly and beautifully. Attempts to fix the bow with a package can take a little more time. You need to find a package that you can hold. bowhead and not let it fall apart.
So let's get to work with the bulbs. Take a bottle or pot for flowers and fill them with soil. Then start laying onions in this layer, but very, very tightly. So the bulbs are almost shoulder to shoulder. Lights between the landing material should be minimal. Try to place so much onion that the soil really resembles a mini mat.
Now cover the first onion layer with soil. Yes, you need to completely fill the first layer of bulbs. They will not perish at all, but will grow quite well along with their relatives from the upper tier. Place the second part of the soil so that the first row of bows remain You can only see tails.. Now lay out the second layer of onion carpet and fill it with earth again.
After the flower pot is completely filled with soil and onions, it must be abundantly watered and hidden under cellophane. This will help preserve moisture, and bulbs. germinate faster. Water the onions as the soil dries, but a cellophane bag or film will keep the soil moist for longer. For example, such onions can be watered only once every two weeks.
Fresh green onions on the windowsill Different layers of bulbs will germinate unevenly, but this is the point. This will save time and space on the windowsill. Once feathers They will begin to rise, make sure that they do not immediately spoil their smooth shape. If you plant onions in a bottle, then such a problem should not arise, but a flower pot requires increased attention. Wrap the onion in a sturdy cellophane bag, but remember to make a hole on top.
Do you have your own way of growing? windowsill? What advice can you give to beginners? What tricks do you use yourself? Tell us about them in the comments.

This method of planting onions is also called “carpet”, because you need to arrange small bulbs as close as possible each other. And when they begin to sprout, they will resemble a real fluffy and soft mat. By the way, you can grow your vitamin reserve on the windowsill at least all winter. It is important to have the time and desire to do this.
To begin with, we will figure out what the responsible gardener will need, who decided to get a mini plot on his own windowsill. We can't do without it. flowerpot, land, bags, and, of course, do not forget onions. Experienced gardeners recommend not to bother with a package, but to use large bottles, but this issue will be discussed later.

Vitamin bouquet The size of the flower pot choose in your opinion. If you want to add window sills more aestheticThese beautiful glasses will help you do that. But since this question is not fundamental, you can plant a bow in a large five-liter bottle. Some amateurs may not even use the soil. Instead, they plant onions in small pieces of newspapers, sawdust or filler for cat toilets.
Moreover, there is a point that somewhat simplifies the planting of onions in a large bottle. The side walls of the bottle help to ensure that the green stems grow smoothly and beautifully. Attempts to fix the bow with a package can take a little more time. You need to find a package that you can hold. bowhead and not let it fall apart.

So let's get to work with the bulbs. Take a bottle or pot for flowers and fill them with soil. Then start laying onions in this layer, but very, very tightly. So the bulbs are almost shoulder to shoulder. Lights between the landing material should be minimal. Try to place so much onion that the soil really resembles a mini mat.
Now cover the first onion layer with soil. Yes, you need to completely fill the first layer of bulbs. They will not perish at all, but will grow quite well along with their relatives from the upper tier. Place the second part of the soil so that the first row of bows remain You can only see tails.. Now lay out the second layer of onion carpet and fill it with earth again.

After the flower pot is completely filled with soil and onions, it must be abundantly watered and hidden under cellophane. This will help preserve moisture, and bulbs. germinate faster. Water the onions as the soil dries, but a cellophane bag or film will keep the soil moist for longer. For example, such onions can be watered only once every two weeks.

Fresh green onions on the windowsill Different layers of bulbs will germinate unevenly, but this is the point. This will save time and space on the windowsill. Once feathers They will begin to rise, make sure that they do not immediately spoil their smooth shape. If you plant onions in a bottle, then such a problem should not arise, but a flower pot requires increased attention. Wrap the onion in a sturdy cellophane bag, but remember to make a hole on top.

Do you have your own way of growing? windowsill? What advice can you give to beginners? What tricks do you use yourself? Tell us about them in the comments.
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