An effective way to harmony: 7 products that reduce appetite.
When you need to lose a couple of kilograms, not necessarily starve yourself diets and starve. It is much more effective if you stick to a healthy diet and slightly reduce the amount of food. But what to do if your appetite is played out in earnest and always want to have? We suggest you pay attention to these 7 foods that will help you "cheat" the stomach. They contribute to saturation without consuming excess calories.
Chickpeas, beans, lentils are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins and iron. Eating these dietary legumes help reduce appetite.
2. Soup
If you take a habit for dinner before the main course to eat a low-calorie soup broth, total calorie intake reduced by 20%. Soups occupy space in the stomach, do not eat a lot of giving.
3. Dark chocolate
If you want a sweet, eat a piece of dark chocolate. It suppresses the need for salty and sweet.
4. Eggs
If you have breakfast with eggs, satiety before lunch you guaranteed. It is proved that the person who eats for breakfast more protein, consume fewer calories throughout the day.
5. Water
Lack of fluid in the body can cause a feeling of hunger. So try to drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day. If you want to eat, drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. Hunger should go for a while.
6. Nuts
Nuts - these controllers appetite. Yes, it is high-calorie product. But a couple of nuts will not harm and will be able to help you reduce your appetite and regulate blood sugar levels. Add them to oatmeal and cottage cheese.
7. Avocado
Half a useful avocado, eaten along with the meal, you will provide a feeling of fullness for the whole evening. And before going to bed you do not look for that to be so tasty to eat.
Of course, to reduce appetite, we must also avoid stress, eat right, drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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Chickpeas, beans, lentils are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins and iron. Eating these dietary legumes help reduce appetite.

2. Soup
If you take a habit for dinner before the main course to eat a low-calorie soup broth, total calorie intake reduced by 20%. Soups occupy space in the stomach, do not eat a lot of giving.

3. Dark chocolate
If you want a sweet, eat a piece of dark chocolate. It suppresses the need for salty and sweet.

4. Eggs
If you have breakfast with eggs, satiety before lunch you guaranteed. It is proved that the person who eats for breakfast more protein, consume fewer calories throughout the day.

5. Water
Lack of fluid in the body can cause a feeling of hunger. So try to drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day. If you want to eat, drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. Hunger should go for a while.

6. Nuts
Nuts - these controllers appetite. Yes, it is high-calorie product. But a couple of nuts will not harm and will be able to help you reduce your appetite and regulate blood sugar levels. Add them to oatmeal and cottage cheese.

7. Avocado
Half a useful avocado, eaten along with the meal, you will provide a feeling of fullness for the whole evening. And before going to bed you do not look for that to be so tasty to eat.

Of course, to reduce appetite, we must also avoid stress, eat right, drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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