The danger, of which you need to know: instant noodles and its harm to the body.
Almost all at least once in a lifetime eating instant noodles. This food has become part of the diet of modern man due to lack of time. At the same few people think about the dangers of this product. It can satisfy your hunger, but it will not bring any good to the body. We'll tell you about a few reasons why the instant noodles should not be on your dinner table.
1. High sodium content
In the instant noodles contain monosodium glutamate - a food additive intended to enhance the taste. There are also sodium guanylate - flavor enhancer, disodium inosinate - a flavor enhancer. These components increase the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease and kidney failure. One serving of a noodle contains more than 800 milligrams of sodium, which more than half the daily allowance. Monosodium glutamate is a delay in the body fluid, causing swelling and severe attacks of asthma. Some people get headaches after consuming this supplement.
2. It prevents the absorption of important nutrients
Instant noodles affects the body's ability to absorb nutrients from other products. So if you ate it, and then after an hour or two decided to use fruits or vegetables, the body can not fully absorb the nutrients that are found in these products.
3. It contains propylene glycol, and tert-butyl hydroquinone
Instant noodles contain propylene glycol - a liquid to preserve the texture of noodles used in the tobacco industry and the production of anti-freeze. Although this food supplement is considered safe, nevertheless it is absorbed by the body and accumulates in the liver, kidney and heart, which can lead to serious problems with these entities. Also present in the noodles antioxidant TBHQ - antioxidant, preserving intact filling noodles. It is also used in perfumes, with the release of varnishes and resins.
4. It contains ingredients that may cause cancer
These noodles contain trans fats, which increase the risk of atherosclerosis and cancer.
If the noodles will become part of your daily diet, while good health, you can forget. The most dangerous of such food for children, the elderly and pregnant women.
Choose foods should be responsible. Eastern wisdom says: "His illness look at the bottom of the plates».
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1. High sodium content
In the instant noodles contain monosodium glutamate - a food additive intended to enhance the taste. There are also sodium guanylate - flavor enhancer, disodium inosinate - a flavor enhancer. These components increase the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease and kidney failure. One serving of a noodle contains more than 800 milligrams of sodium, which more than half the daily allowance. Monosodium glutamate is a delay in the body fluid, causing swelling and severe attacks of asthma. Some people get headaches after consuming this supplement.
2. It prevents the absorption of important nutrients
Instant noodles affects the body's ability to absorb nutrients from other products. So if you ate it, and then after an hour or two decided to use fruits or vegetables, the body can not fully absorb the nutrients that are found in these products.

3. It contains propylene glycol, and tert-butyl hydroquinone
Instant noodles contain propylene glycol - a liquid to preserve the texture of noodles used in the tobacco industry and the production of anti-freeze. Although this food supplement is considered safe, nevertheless it is absorbed by the body and accumulates in the liver, kidney and heart, which can lead to serious problems with these entities. Also present in the noodles antioxidant TBHQ - antioxidant, preserving intact filling noodles. It is also used in perfumes, with the release of varnishes and resins.
4. It contains ingredients that may cause cancer
These noodles contain trans fats, which increase the risk of atherosclerosis and cancer.
If the noodles will become part of your daily diet, while good health, you can forget. The most dangerous of such food for children, the elderly and pregnant women.
Choose foods should be responsible. Eastern wisdom says: "His illness look at the bottom of the plates».
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