A new approach to swing the press: you need to practice standing. The effect is very impressive!
Flat tummy - decoration women. Slim waist and pronounced the press will make a harmonious any shape, even if a bit too wide hips. But apart from the fact that the press bears a beautiful aesthetic function, it is a sign of health. After all, to give birth and to bear a child, women need strong muscles! Rock press is recommended for all, at any age and in any physical form. This exercise reduces the amount of visceral fat that surrounds the internal organs, which is also a great benefit to the body. We used to rock press, lying on the floor or on a bench. But there is a way to make it much more fun and effective! Try to download the press standing, you will be surprised at the results. The muscles very quickly acquire the desired shape!
Important: during all exercise, keep your back and shoulders straight. Breathe properly: exhaling, make efforts. On a breath - relax. Each exercise is to be performed within 45 seconds. It is very convenient to carry out complex, including video, located after the description of the exercises. Em>
1. Lifting legs
Stand up straight, keep your feet together. Leg raises, trying to reach out to the toes with both hands. Do the exercise for each leg alternately. Most importantly - do not slouch, ensure that the muscles were in constant tension.
2. Curl the weight of the hands
For this exercise requires weighting. You can use the ball, dumbbell, water bottle or even too big watermelon! Lift your leg, stand straight in this position and move the weighting diagonal. For the balance you will have a good stretch lower and oblique abdominal muscles. Change your leg and repeat the exercise.
3. Twisting jump
Bend your elbows at chest level. Start quickly jump while turning the body in different directions. Turns must be done by making work actively obliques press. Look straight ahead, jump as quickly as possible.
4. Movement in a circle
Be straight, keep your feet shoulder width apart. Leaning forward, the body begins to turn around. At the same time hold the legs in a fixed position, rotate only through the work of the abdominal muscles and back. You prochuvstvuesh them very well! Start with turns in one direction, then - in the opposite direction.
5. Lifting the knee diagonally
Raise the left knee diagonally - in the direction of the right shoulder. At the same time keep your hands in serried lock actively moves them in the direction from the shoulder to the knee. Watch your back! Repeat the same with the other leg.
6. Exercise for the lateral abdominal muscles
Lateral abdominal muscles usually little involved in the training. But precisely because of their strength waist look thin and slim! Lift one leg, bend the knee, and then expand the toe out. The opposite hand bend and fasten at the waist. Raise the arm and leg, are on one side, at the same time. The other side of the body try to keep straight.
Work together with the video is very convenient! Take a good look, how to perform the exercises, and immediately begin.
Performing these exercises every other day, you will soon notice a change in her figure. The muscles will be strengthened, the stomach will be very attractive. For the full range of needs to spend only 10 minutes! This practice is much more interesting the usual swing press, agree.
Give girlfriends excellent instruction for the acquisition of a strong press. They fell in love at first sight exercises!
via takprosto cc
Important: during all exercise, keep your back and shoulders straight. Breathe properly: exhaling, make efforts. On a breath - relax. Each exercise is to be performed within 45 seconds. It is very convenient to carry out complex, including video, located after the description of the exercises. Em>
1. Lifting legs
Stand up straight, keep your feet together. Leg raises, trying to reach out to the toes with both hands. Do the exercise for each leg alternately. Most importantly - do not slouch, ensure that the muscles were in constant tension.

2. Curl the weight of the hands
For this exercise requires weighting. You can use the ball, dumbbell, water bottle or even too big watermelon! Lift your leg, stand straight in this position and move the weighting diagonal. For the balance you will have a good stretch lower and oblique abdominal muscles. Change your leg and repeat the exercise.

3. Twisting jump
Bend your elbows at chest level. Start quickly jump while turning the body in different directions. Turns must be done by making work actively obliques press. Look straight ahead, jump as quickly as possible.

4. Movement in a circle
Be straight, keep your feet shoulder width apart. Leaning forward, the body begins to turn around. At the same time hold the legs in a fixed position, rotate only through the work of the abdominal muscles and back. You prochuvstvuesh them very well! Start with turns in one direction, then - in the opposite direction.

5. Lifting the knee diagonally
Raise the left knee diagonally - in the direction of the right shoulder. At the same time keep your hands in serried lock actively moves them in the direction from the shoulder to the knee. Watch your back! Repeat the same with the other leg.

6. Exercise for the lateral abdominal muscles
Lateral abdominal muscles usually little involved in the training. But precisely because of their strength waist look thin and slim! Lift one leg, bend the knee, and then expand the toe out. The opposite hand bend and fasten at the waist. Raise the arm and leg, are on one side, at the same time. The other side of the body try to keep straight.

Work together with the video is very convenient! Take a good look, how to perform the exercises, and immediately begin.
Performing these exercises every other day, you will soon notice a change in her figure. The muscles will be strengthened, the stomach will be very attractive. For the full range of needs to spend only 10 minutes! This practice is much more interesting the usual swing press, agree.
Give girlfriends excellent instruction for the acquisition of a strong press. They fell in love at first sight exercises!
via takprosto cc
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