Psychological effects
We want to show you a selection of some interesting psychological phenomena and effects from which you can learn: better or worse are the people, when they watch others, whether the course of evolution and change the direction of a number of interesting things. Ollie effect - is a biological phenomenon, indicating that the population growth in relation to its population (or of a species in a certain area) decreases if the size of the population decreases. In other words, every female bears more offspring if population numbers above. Ollie Effect, named after an American zoologist Walter Clyde Ollie completely changed the idea of the increase in population.
During the time of his research it was assumed that the population needs to thrive with fewer animals, because Each of them will be available more resources. In other words, the population should grow slower when the number of individuals and her more quickly when the number of specimens is less. However, studies Ollie prove that when the population size is reduced, the same thing happens with the number of possible pairs - and therefore the increase is slower.
Conclusion: the more individuals in the population, the faster it grows.
The effect of the audience - it is the influence that audience has a person or group of people to perform certain tasks for all to see. This effect was discovered in the 30s of XX century. It consists of two opposing phenomena: the results of many speakers (the athletes in particular) are usually higher when looking at them a large number of people, while in others the presence of the audience a feeling of unease, so they end their speeches with a worse outcome than might really.
In 1965. social psychologist Robert Zajonc discovered a connection with the audience the effect of the so-called theory of repression. Zajonc proved is whether the impact of the audience positive or negative, depending on the relative "ease" the task. If, for example, the speaker believes that win, the effect would be to move his audience to speak at the summit. If he does not believe that the presence of the audience can lead to even greater reduction of its self-esteem.
Pygmalion effect is associated with the effect of the audience and the theory of repression, it combines the positive expectations of the speaker and the highest result. The effect is named after Bernard Shaw's play "Pygmalion" (on which filmed "My Fair Lady"), sometimes also called the "Pygmalion effect».
In addition, there is also the opposite effect Pygmalion effect, its essence lies in the fact that low expectations lead to low performance and this effect is called the "effect of the golem».
Pygmalion effect was studied in detail in the world of athletics, business, and especially education. In business, the effect is very evident in the results of the managers who are directly dependent on what they expect from their employees.
As noted in his research, Professor John. Livingstone: "The way managers treat their subordinates depends largely on what they expect from them." Similarly, the study of the effect of Pygmalion, conducted by Robert Rosenthal and Jacobson Leonora in the classroom, proved that those students from which the teacher expects more likely to be at a height.
When pregnant female rodents smell an unfamiliar male, they can sometimes interrupt their own pregnancy. This effect was first studied by the British zoologist Hilda Bruce, was observed in some mice, voles, lemmings, gelada monkeys and even lions. For some time the effect has been studied only in animals in captivity for the first time the effect in the wild began to study researcher from the University of Michigan Eila Roberts. The main question in both cases - why a mother kills her own child?
Roberts 5 years studying gelada in Ethiopia and collected data on 110 female individuals from 21 different groups. After analyzing fecal samples for hormones, which firmly support the pregnancy, Roberts discovered that where the male has approved its dominance, capturing the group, a significant number of females interrupted her pregnancy. In the group without a dominant male birth rate was much higher.
The answer lies in the tendency of dominant male gelada kill small, they do so because the female can mate again only after how to raise their children, and males do not have enough patience. Monkeys kill their unborn babies because they know that they will die anyway, it saves your time mother, effort and money.
If you've ever splashed water on a very hot pan and saw the droplets start spinning like crazy - so you've seen the effect Lyaydenfrosta, named after the German doctor Johann Gottlob Lyaydenfrosta in 1796. Effect Lyaydenfrosta - this physical phenomenon, it occurs when a liquid is very close to the surface is much hotter than the boiling point of the liquid. Under such conditions, the fluid creates a protective layer vapor that separates it from the hot surface and prevents a rapid evaporation. In the case of droplets in a hot frying pan, eventually the water boils and evaporates, but much more slowly than if the pan temperature was above the boiling point, but below the Lyaydenfrosta.
This effect allows the water, under certain conditions, to levitate over a hot surface. For this reason, wet finger can be dipped in liquid nitrogen without consequences. But it is better not to experiment because it is still dangerous.
Diorama effect, also known as "pseudo-macro" or "illusion of a diorama," describes the process when the photographer takes real objects in a life-size so that they can be obtained in the image as a miniature model. Sometimes called the effect of "tilt-shift", but in fairness it should be noted that tiltshifting - a technique that always allows you to create the effect of "pseudo-macro". This technique can be used in digital photography to create the impression that the picture was taken using a special lens.
The creation of such images occurs in several stages. There are a few key points:
- Take a picture on top;
- Blur the edges of the photo;
- To increase the color saturation.
Of course, it is possible to tell much more. On the Internet you can find step by step instructions.
Of all ever known and studied the psychological effects, the effect of the review - the most rare, only 534 people visited the circumstances in which it is possible. When the astronauts from orbit or on the surface of the Moon can see the Earth as a whole, many describe the incredible feeling of scale and perspective that effect and called the review. Fictional writer Frank White, this effect has had a profound impact on a person, puzzles, inspires, arouses emotions. View of Earth from space changes the relation of man to reality. Astronauts return home with a new vision of how we are all together, with a sense of meaninglessness of any cultural boundaries and with a desire to care for the environment.
Imagine that you're madly in love with the girl, and it seems to you a talented, good and beautiful. Then imagine that you can see how it goes on the sidewalk, she trips and falls on his face. For many reasons, you fall in love with her even more, and themselves seem much more attractive to her, and all that - as a result of her clumsiness.
Learned very widely in the world of sport, business and politics, it is a psychological phenomenon known as "the effect of oversight." Initially this effect was discovered and named by explorer Elliot Aronson in 1966. The results of this effect can be different. Studies show that people tend to love people imperfect, make mistakes. The effect is much analyzed and found that, for example, women are more clumsy attracted to men than vice versa, but the basic principle (the person becomes more attractive, showing its shortcomings) remains.
The effect of sleep - often study controversial psychological effect, which shows how information affects the person's opinion. Basically, when you see an advertisement with a positive slogan, it (and the advertised product) there are positive associations. However, after some time, these positive associations disappear and, in the end, is not any sort of association with this advertising. But under certain conditions, for example, if the message is accompanied by "a replica of the discount," a positive association can stay for a long time.
Oh, the Tamagotchi. If you grew up in the 90 years of the twentieth century, he probably have been, or were you familiar with someone who he was, or at least knew of its existence. By 2010, the world has sold more than 76 million small electronic small animals. For those who do not know, Tamagotchi - a small portable virtual pet, invented in 1996 in Japan. Owner Tamagotchi engaged in feeding, treatment, education and cleaning for your pet.
During the time of his research it was assumed that the population needs to thrive with fewer animals, because Each of them will be available more resources. In other words, the population should grow slower when the number of individuals and her more quickly when the number of specimens is less. However, studies Ollie prove that when the population size is reduced, the same thing happens with the number of possible pairs - and therefore the increase is slower.
Conclusion: the more individuals in the population, the faster it grows.

The effect of the audience - it is the influence that audience has a person or group of people to perform certain tasks for all to see. This effect was discovered in the 30s of XX century. It consists of two opposing phenomena: the results of many speakers (the athletes in particular) are usually higher when looking at them a large number of people, while in others the presence of the audience a feeling of unease, so they end their speeches with a worse outcome than might really.
In 1965. social psychologist Robert Zajonc discovered a connection with the audience the effect of the so-called theory of repression. Zajonc proved is whether the impact of the audience positive or negative, depending on the relative "ease" the task. If, for example, the speaker believes that win, the effect would be to move his audience to speak at the summit. If he does not believe that the presence of the audience can lead to even greater reduction of its self-esteem.

Pygmalion effect is associated with the effect of the audience and the theory of repression, it combines the positive expectations of the speaker and the highest result. The effect is named after Bernard Shaw's play "Pygmalion" (on which filmed "My Fair Lady"), sometimes also called the "Pygmalion effect».
In addition, there is also the opposite effect Pygmalion effect, its essence lies in the fact that low expectations lead to low performance and this effect is called the "effect of the golem».
Pygmalion effect was studied in detail in the world of athletics, business, and especially education. In business, the effect is very evident in the results of the managers who are directly dependent on what they expect from their employees.
As noted in his research, Professor John. Livingstone: "The way managers treat their subordinates depends largely on what they expect from them." Similarly, the study of the effect of Pygmalion, conducted by Robert Rosenthal and Jacobson Leonora in the classroom, proved that those students from which the teacher expects more likely to be at a height.

When pregnant female rodents smell an unfamiliar male, they can sometimes interrupt their own pregnancy. This effect was first studied by the British zoologist Hilda Bruce, was observed in some mice, voles, lemmings, gelada monkeys and even lions. For some time the effect has been studied only in animals in captivity for the first time the effect in the wild began to study researcher from the University of Michigan Eila Roberts. The main question in both cases - why a mother kills her own child?
Roberts 5 years studying gelada in Ethiopia and collected data on 110 female individuals from 21 different groups. After analyzing fecal samples for hormones, which firmly support the pregnancy, Roberts discovered that where the male has approved its dominance, capturing the group, a significant number of females interrupted her pregnancy. In the group without a dominant male birth rate was much higher.
The answer lies in the tendency of dominant male gelada kill small, they do so because the female can mate again only after how to raise their children, and males do not have enough patience. Monkeys kill their unborn babies because they know that they will die anyway, it saves your time mother, effort and money.

If you've ever splashed water on a very hot pan and saw the droplets start spinning like crazy - so you've seen the effect Lyaydenfrosta, named after the German doctor Johann Gottlob Lyaydenfrosta in 1796. Effect Lyaydenfrosta - this physical phenomenon, it occurs when a liquid is very close to the surface is much hotter than the boiling point of the liquid. Under such conditions, the fluid creates a protective layer vapor that separates it from the hot surface and prevents a rapid evaporation. In the case of droplets in a hot frying pan, eventually the water boils and evaporates, but much more slowly than if the pan temperature was above the boiling point, but below the Lyaydenfrosta.
This effect allows the water, under certain conditions, to levitate over a hot surface. For this reason, wet finger can be dipped in liquid nitrogen without consequences. But it is better not to experiment because it is still dangerous.

Diorama effect, also known as "pseudo-macro" or "illusion of a diorama," describes the process when the photographer takes real objects in a life-size so that they can be obtained in the image as a miniature model. Sometimes called the effect of "tilt-shift", but in fairness it should be noted that tiltshifting - a technique that always allows you to create the effect of "pseudo-macro". This technique can be used in digital photography to create the impression that the picture was taken using a special lens.
The creation of such images occurs in several stages. There are a few key points:
- Take a picture on top;
- Blur the edges of the photo;
- To increase the color saturation.
Of course, it is possible to tell much more. On the Internet you can find step by step instructions.

Of all ever known and studied the psychological effects, the effect of the review - the most rare, only 534 people visited the circumstances in which it is possible. When the astronauts from orbit or on the surface of the Moon can see the Earth as a whole, many describe the incredible feeling of scale and perspective that effect and called the review. Fictional writer Frank White, this effect has had a profound impact on a person, puzzles, inspires, arouses emotions. View of Earth from space changes the relation of man to reality. Astronauts return home with a new vision of how we are all together, with a sense of meaninglessness of any cultural boundaries and with a desire to care for the environment.

Imagine that you're madly in love with the girl, and it seems to you a talented, good and beautiful. Then imagine that you can see how it goes on the sidewalk, she trips and falls on his face. For many reasons, you fall in love with her even more, and themselves seem much more attractive to her, and all that - as a result of her clumsiness.
Learned very widely in the world of sport, business and politics, it is a psychological phenomenon known as "the effect of oversight." Initially this effect was discovered and named by explorer Elliot Aronson in 1966. The results of this effect can be different. Studies show that people tend to love people imperfect, make mistakes. The effect is much analyzed and found that, for example, women are more clumsy attracted to men than vice versa, but the basic principle (the person becomes more attractive, showing its shortcomings) remains.

The effect of sleep - often study controversial psychological effect, which shows how information affects the person's opinion. Basically, when you see an advertisement with a positive slogan, it (and the advertised product) there are positive associations. However, after some time, these positive associations disappear and, in the end, is not any sort of association with this advertising. But under certain conditions, for example, if the message is accompanied by "a replica of the discount," a positive association can stay for a long time.

Oh, the Tamagotchi. If you grew up in the 90 years of the twentieth century, he probably have been, or were you familiar with someone who he was, or at least knew of its existence. By 2010, the world has sold more than 76 million small electronic small animals. For those who do not know, Tamagotchi - a small portable virtual pet, invented in 1996 in Japan. Owner Tamagotchi engaged in feeding, treatment, education and cleaning for your pet.
