6 phenomena that science can not explain

Today science is powerful, but not omnipotent. There are phenomena that modern scientists can not explain in any way, and they are still a real mystery for mankind.
< Website gathered phenomenon, which still do not have a precise scientific explanation. < br>
Taossky hum

For many years, residents of the town of Taos in the Southwestern United States is heard coming from the desert low frequency noise of unknown origin. The so-called taossky drone similar to the movement of heavy vehicles on the highway, but no major roads in town district no. Often it leads to severe mental illness and suicides among those who heard this noise. Some residents see the writing on the wall. Scientists find the source of the hum is not managed.

Dejavu translated from French as "déjà vu". It's a strange feeling when a person feels that he has experienced exactly the sort of situation. All the power of the experience of déjà vu is the feeling that there were hundreds of options, how could pass this time, but you have lived life so that as a result it turned out to be in this situation and in this place, as if it was meant to be. Scientists make different assumptions of this phenomenon: the change of time coordinate brain to repeated situations of dreams. However, research deja vu difficult, since it can not cause artificially.
Visions at clinical death

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People who have experienced clinical death, sometimes reported similar to each other in the form of a vision of the tunnel with light at the end, a sense of mission, meet with their deceased loved ones, etc. This phenomenon is even a term -.. "NDE." The main problem is that the brain is almost completely shuts down soon after cardiac arrest, that is in a state of clinical death, a person, in principle, nothing can not feel or experience. There are theories explaining the problem and even each type of vision. But why some patients remember what happened in the place where they were revived, with accuracy to the smallest detail - that science can not explain

Mentions about ghosts begins in historical legends and continues in the news and in the current days. There are not only the collective evidence of the meeting with the spirits, but also such striking evidence as photos and videos. Scientists reveal many paranormal phenomena, explaining that mass hysteria, mental disorders or different poisoning organism. Yet there are cases that can not be explained by any one theory.

< br> Or, as we call it even, a sixth sense. Science still can not explain the nature of this phenomenon. Some scientists have argued that the ability to feel the right choice has absolutely every one of us. This capability is embedded in each birth, a man forgot how to use it, developing only five of their senses.
Placebo effect

The placebo effect - one of the major "unknowns" of medical science. It is unclear how the mere belief in the healing properties of the received "blank tablet" can heal the body. Whether lupus or even cancer - sometimes self-hypnosis can help with even the most terrible diseases. If a person can only be cured by thought itself sometimes even fatal diseases, not whether it is a look into the abyss of our capabilities?
via www.warnerbros.com/
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