Amazing stories about people, phenomena
Our world is full of incomprehensible facts explain that science can not. Also on our planet are people who themselves are a mystery to scientists. About people, phenomena known to us amazing stories.
Man chicken
Once in the German town of Waldenburg Museum Dr. Dietmar Müller stumbled upon an amazing find. Among the exhibits his attention riveted alcoholized fruit of a human baby. But with the features of a person he combined the features of a bird.
Amazing phenomenon prompted the doctor to conduct studies of this case. After studying the materials preserved in the archives, he received the following information.
In 1735 the family Schmidt had to be born the fourth child. Parents thirty-eight and twenty-eight Andreas Johanna Sophia were residents of a small German town Taucha. Births mother suddenly began prematurely in the eighth month of pregnancy. When a newborn parents was terrified. What they saw was a terrible mixture of child and chick. The family Schmidt at that time already had three children absolutely zdorovyh.
Leipzig Dr. Gottlieb Friederici scientific purposes alcoholized body human-chicken. He studied this case, and after, and described it in scientific work, which the author calls "the rarest human monster" (translated from Latin). Medical scientists expressed the hope that the future generation of researchers will be able to find an explanation for the strange phenomenon.
It took 250 years, but no answer came. Muller did X-rays, using the latest computer technology, but nearer to the answer to the question of how the two healthy parents who have perfectly normal children could have a baby bird. In Berlin, science club, whose members are engaged in the study of anomalies in the human body, also failed to explain the medical case. Fetus huge number of anatomical anomalies greatly enlarged liver, kleverovidnaya shape of the skull, missing ears, abnormal heart size, very underdeveloped lower jaw, fingers unusually long limbs, and his nails like the claws on more birds.
German geneticists were able to identify only half as long as the fetus. Friederici at the time was wrong, considering it a boy. Man-bird was a female.
"Waterproof" Indians of the Amazon
In tropical rain forests of the Amazon Indian tribe lives amazing takeyra. They have developed a one striking feature - their skin and hair do not get wet under the regular torrential rains. Believe that their body has a unique coating that allows them to literally get away with.
Jacques Tolborn in 1988 made a trip to the Amazon jungle. He sailed to the local river and Haru first came across these "watertight" Indians. He hid in their village from the rain and noticed that their amazing line. People continued to go about their daily business, despite the downpour. Their hair and skin all the time remained dry.
Third Eye
Chinese ophthalmologists was discovered by a man with three eyes. This is the third case, which was documented in the history of medicine.
Doctor Zheng Ichsun produced examination of patients with disabilities and one of them has found a unique feature - at twenty-five guy had three eyes.
The third patient's eye was located on the left temple, and attended and eyelid and pupil, and lacrimal gland, and even eyebrow. However, the eye was not quite seeing. Relatives of the three-eyed man told the doctor that the guy with the vision of childhood was poor.
A man with a unique blood
Singh Abu employees worked in the cage, after being bitten by a cobra, he was surprised to note that it is very easy to be transferred. He had not even felt a burning sensation at the site of the bite. The man decided to experiment and allowed Gyurza bite itself. After that Singh Abu decided that is not affected by snake venom. Singh Abu decided to turn this feature in its ability to earn and began to show a show in which walked naked among the huge number of snakes swarming in the cell. It regularly bitten by poisonous snakes dangerous, but it does not harm the body.
This phenomenon, of course, could not have been interested in doctors, and they wanted to take his blood for research. It was found that the poison in the blood decays Singh Abu, furthermore, converted into nutrients. Subsequent analyzes of scientists plunged into shock, blood did not belong to any known science group. Similar in composition and properties of blood in the world does not exist.
"Diamond" tears
In North Africa, lives Khanuma amazing girl. Externally, the girl is no different from their peers. But there Khanuma one feature that makes her parents to carefully hide the girl from journalists and academics.
The girl was absolutely no whining in childhood and parents saw her tears for the first time when she had to cut onions. But these tears were so unusual that even frightened father and mother of the girl. From the child's eyes rolled hard as beads, grains.
The girl's family carefully concealed this fact to one case that opened the incredible ability to tears Khanuma.
Her father worked as a jeweler and decided to study the properties of the "grains". They perfectly resisted cutting, were solid and transparent. He created jewelry using tear daughter. Products like steel buyers and sell well. Father hid his secret for a long time, but once "stones" were a person who is very interested in their composition. He learned that this material tears Khanuma - plastic, obtained previously unknown way.
Scientists have made popytki explain this phenomenon, but has not yet been able to.
Tears girl did not interfere, they harden on the eyelashes, but to them as well as the skin does not stick. Vision Khanuma this feature does not harm.
Crying little girl makes only onions.
Science-known phenomenon of man, which is able to navigate in time, without using a clock. UCLA scientists are faced with a unique person Frank White. His amazing ability to manifest in the fact that without the use of any machinery, it can at any moment to tell what time it is with remarkable accuracy.
Just entered the room, White was able to determine that the clock is slow by 52 seconds. It is checked, and the man was right. He is able to wake up in the night, knowing all the time or rather hours. Naturally, he comes on time always, without delay, although always guided only by their internal clock.
Perhaps the phenomenon of Frank White will help researchers in the study of human biological rhythms. So say scientists.
The phenomenon of synchronous disease
It's amazing how two people can always get sick the same disease, even if they are at a great distance. Such a fate awaited the father and daughter Leslie Curtis, living in England. The first case was associated with tuberculosis, which first became ill father. The girl put the same diagnosis. Of course, she was able to catch. But such cases are repeated very often.
Leslie's mother noticed that if a girl falls in the schoolyard, the father manifested a bruise at the site of injury daughter. Even in cases of Leslie, which is peculiar only to children, dad girls also suffered from the characteristic symptoms.
After marriage and a young woman moving things remained the same. Simultaneous headaches, colds, stomach problems and other illnesses overtake daughter and father.
Doctors do not know how to explain this enigmatic relationship. Perhaps, it could serve as a thin bond of father and daughter at their aura, suggest scientists.
Glowing in a dream girl
Young girl Nguyen Thi Nga, who lives in the Vietnamese province of Binh Dinh in a small village also has the right to apply to people-phenomena. Childhood and teenage years her nothing more than amazing were noted. Like all other peers. But once the body Nguyen suddenly there was light in my sleep. Everything was as always, but bright glow emanating from the sleeping girl, lit up the room. The frightened father and mother of the girl they decided to keep it to local healers. They tried their methods to rid the girl of inexplicable quality, but the glow of the night went on. It does not give her any discomfort, but my parents were very puzzled and worried.
Doctors at the hospital in Saigon also carefully examined the health of women, it was normal. One well-known witch doctor examined Nguyen and found the girl that first glow appeared on the second day of the year according to the lunar calendar. According to the medicine man, this time the greatest grace of higher celestial powers. So that parents no longer worry about their daughter was special - it descended grace.
A scientific explanation for this phenomenon or not. There are only questions. Yet unanswered.

Man chicken
Once in the German town of Waldenburg Museum Dr. Dietmar Müller stumbled upon an amazing find. Among the exhibits his attention riveted alcoholized fruit of a human baby. But with the features of a person he combined the features of a bird.
Amazing phenomenon prompted the doctor to conduct studies of this case. After studying the materials preserved in the archives, he received the following information.
In 1735 the family Schmidt had to be born the fourth child. Parents thirty-eight and twenty-eight Andreas Johanna Sophia were residents of a small German town Taucha. Births mother suddenly began prematurely in the eighth month of pregnancy. When a newborn parents was terrified. What they saw was a terrible mixture of child and chick. The family Schmidt at that time already had three children absolutely zdorovyh.
Leipzig Dr. Gottlieb Friederici scientific purposes alcoholized body human-chicken. He studied this case, and after, and described it in scientific work, which the author calls "the rarest human monster" (translated from Latin). Medical scientists expressed the hope that the future generation of researchers will be able to find an explanation for the strange phenomenon.
It took 250 years, but no answer came. Muller did X-rays, using the latest computer technology, but nearer to the answer to the question of how the two healthy parents who have perfectly normal children could have a baby bird. In Berlin, science club, whose members are engaged in the study of anomalies in the human body, also failed to explain the medical case. Fetus huge number of anatomical anomalies greatly enlarged liver, kleverovidnaya shape of the skull, missing ears, abnormal heart size, very underdeveloped lower jaw, fingers unusually long limbs, and his nails like the claws on more birds.
German geneticists were able to identify only half as long as the fetus. Friederici at the time was wrong, considering it a boy. Man-bird was a female.
"Waterproof" Indians of the Amazon
In tropical rain forests of the Amazon Indian tribe lives amazing takeyra. They have developed a one striking feature - their skin and hair do not get wet under the regular torrential rains. Believe that their body has a unique coating that allows them to literally get away with.
Jacques Tolborn in 1988 made a trip to the Amazon jungle. He sailed to the local river and Haru first came across these "watertight" Indians. He hid in their village from the rain and noticed that their amazing line. People continued to go about their daily business, despite the downpour. Their hair and skin all the time remained dry.
Third Eye
Chinese ophthalmologists was discovered by a man with three eyes. This is the third case, which was documented in the history of medicine.
Doctor Zheng Ichsun produced examination of patients with disabilities and one of them has found a unique feature - at twenty-five guy had three eyes.
The third patient's eye was located on the left temple, and attended and eyelid and pupil, and lacrimal gland, and even eyebrow. However, the eye was not quite seeing. Relatives of the three-eyed man told the doctor that the guy with the vision of childhood was poor.
A man with a unique blood
Singh Abu employees worked in the cage, after being bitten by a cobra, he was surprised to note that it is very easy to be transferred. He had not even felt a burning sensation at the site of the bite. The man decided to experiment and allowed Gyurza bite itself. After that Singh Abu decided that is not affected by snake venom. Singh Abu decided to turn this feature in its ability to earn and began to show a show in which walked naked among the huge number of snakes swarming in the cell. It regularly bitten by poisonous snakes dangerous, but it does not harm the body.
This phenomenon, of course, could not have been interested in doctors, and they wanted to take his blood for research. It was found that the poison in the blood decays Singh Abu, furthermore, converted into nutrients. Subsequent analyzes of scientists plunged into shock, blood did not belong to any known science group. Similar in composition and properties of blood in the world does not exist.
"Diamond" tears
In North Africa, lives Khanuma amazing girl. Externally, the girl is no different from their peers. But there Khanuma one feature that makes her parents to carefully hide the girl from journalists and academics.
The girl was absolutely no whining in childhood and parents saw her tears for the first time when she had to cut onions. But these tears were so unusual that even frightened father and mother of the girl. From the child's eyes rolled hard as beads, grains.
The girl's family carefully concealed this fact to one case that opened the incredible ability to tears Khanuma.
Her father worked as a jeweler and decided to study the properties of the "grains". They perfectly resisted cutting, were solid and transparent. He created jewelry using tear daughter. Products like steel buyers and sell well. Father hid his secret for a long time, but once "stones" were a person who is very interested in their composition. He learned that this material tears Khanuma - plastic, obtained previously unknown way.
Scientists have made popytki explain this phenomenon, but has not yet been able to.
Tears girl did not interfere, they harden on the eyelashes, but to them as well as the skin does not stick. Vision Khanuma this feature does not harm.
Crying little girl makes only onions.
Science-known phenomenon of man, which is able to navigate in time, without using a clock. UCLA scientists are faced with a unique person Frank White. His amazing ability to manifest in the fact that without the use of any machinery, it can at any moment to tell what time it is with remarkable accuracy.
Just entered the room, White was able to determine that the clock is slow by 52 seconds. It is checked, and the man was right. He is able to wake up in the night, knowing all the time or rather hours. Naturally, he comes on time always, without delay, although always guided only by their internal clock.
Perhaps the phenomenon of Frank White will help researchers in the study of human biological rhythms. So say scientists.
The phenomenon of synchronous disease
It's amazing how two people can always get sick the same disease, even if they are at a great distance. Such a fate awaited the father and daughter Leslie Curtis, living in England. The first case was associated with tuberculosis, which first became ill father. The girl put the same diagnosis. Of course, she was able to catch. But such cases are repeated very often.
Leslie's mother noticed that if a girl falls in the schoolyard, the father manifested a bruise at the site of injury daughter. Even in cases of Leslie, which is peculiar only to children, dad girls also suffered from the characteristic symptoms.
After marriage and a young woman moving things remained the same. Simultaneous headaches, colds, stomach problems and other illnesses overtake daughter and father.
Doctors do not know how to explain this enigmatic relationship. Perhaps, it could serve as a thin bond of father and daughter at their aura, suggest scientists.
Glowing in a dream girl
Young girl Nguyen Thi Nga, who lives in the Vietnamese province of Binh Dinh in a small village also has the right to apply to people-phenomena. Childhood and teenage years her nothing more than amazing were noted. Like all other peers. But once the body Nguyen suddenly there was light in my sleep. Everything was as always, but bright glow emanating from the sleeping girl, lit up the room. The frightened father and mother of the girl they decided to keep it to local healers. They tried their methods to rid the girl of inexplicable quality, but the glow of the night went on. It does not give her any discomfort, but my parents were very puzzled and worried.
Doctors at the hospital in Saigon also carefully examined the health of women, it was normal. One well-known witch doctor examined Nguyen and found the girl that first glow appeared on the second day of the year according to the lunar calendar. According to the medicine man, this time the greatest grace of higher celestial powers. So that parents no longer worry about their daughter was special - it descended grace.
A scientific explanation for this phenomenon or not. There are only questions. Yet unanswered.