We are often looking for the ideals rather than to accept life in all its essence.
Beauty is relative, but it is in everyone. Even with Disabilities, which changed the body's disease. Prove it took the organization «Pro Infirmis», creating a collection of mannequins with disabilities. Somehow they shortened limbs dolls, someone deformed spine.
//player.vimeo.com/video/98604525?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Целью the collection was to force society to accept people with disabilities as they are. To be able to look into the soul through the disease crippled body and see exactly the same desire to live, to love and be loved, which lives in every person, regardless of age, height, skin color, religion and the list of diseases in the medical record.
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//player.vimeo.com/video/98604525?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Целью the collection was to force society to accept people with disabilities as they are. To be able to look into the soul through the disease crippled body and see exactly the same desire to live, to love and be loved, which lives in every person, regardless of age, height, skin color, religion and the list of diseases in the medical record.
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His dog had to die, but the boy's reaction to such an event surprised everyone.
Do you think this is an ordinary orchestra? Maybe. But while they do extraordinary performances.