Who said that the world is a bad place? Look, these people have committed for the benefit of others!
They say that people - cruel creatures. But judging by these photos, where each of the characters does something especially good, I want to believe that our world - not so bad place.
Guo Shidzhin grew up in a poor family. He had always dreamed of going to a prestigious university because tried very hard to get good grades in school. Thanks to the intelligence and perseverance Guo received excellent certificate. But the unexpected happened - his father fell from a height during operation and remained paralyzed for life. Before Guo became a choice: to fulfill his dream, or to care for his father. Guo went to the University and asked for permission to carry his sick father to his hostel. Today, Guo received a scholarship and continues to care for his father.
The man gives his shoes a homeless girl.
School teacher Antonio La Cava built a library on wheels. Traveling across the country, he tries to instill in children a love of reading. All books Antonio got for their money. And each of his arrival in a new town is a real festive event for local children.
Graduates of grammar schools decided to abandon the expensive dresses and suits at the prom, to give money to the needy. They collected about 310,000 dinars, which were transferred to three families with seriously ill children.
They risked their lives to save a lamb fallen into the water.
Other religion do not always bring conflicts. Take a look at these photos: Muslims, Christians surrounded the ring, so that they could pray during the riots.
Christians protect Muslims during the solemn service.
Even elephants have dentures. Well, except the person who made it, does not deserve respect?
Salvation drowning - the handiwork of drowning? I doubt it. If not for this boy would have drowned for sure deer.
Jacqueline Kiplimo helping a disabled runner at the finish line.
In the subway turnstile broke. Passengers, instead of having to go free, to leave money to travel directly to this turnstile.
Israeli players cover Ukrainian children from the rain. Before the game the stadium fell sharply colder and rain.
The passengers of the train saw the elephant fell into the pit. They persuaded the driver to stop the train, and fed the animal leaves until rescuers arrived.
Firefighter rescues koala from thirst during forest fires.
10 thousand people gathered in the street near the house of 8-year-old Delaney Brown to perform for her Christmas song. Last year, she was diagnosed - myelogenous leukemia.
Share this article and show your friends, that there are good people in the world who do good deeds!
via ofigenno cc
Guo Shidzhin grew up in a poor family. He had always dreamed of going to a prestigious university because tried very hard to get good grades in school. Thanks to the intelligence and perseverance Guo received excellent certificate. But the unexpected happened - his father fell from a height during operation and remained paralyzed for life. Before Guo became a choice: to fulfill his dream, or to care for his father. Guo went to the University and asked for permission to carry his sick father to his hostel. Today, Guo received a scholarship and continues to care for his father.

The man gives his shoes a homeless girl.

School teacher Antonio La Cava built a library on wheels. Traveling across the country, he tries to instill in children a love of reading. All books Antonio got for their money. And each of his arrival in a new town is a real festive event for local children.

Graduates of grammar schools decided to abandon the expensive dresses and suits at the prom, to give money to the needy. They collected about 310,000 dinars, which were transferred to three families with seriously ill children.

They risked their lives to save a lamb fallen into the water.

Other religion do not always bring conflicts. Take a look at these photos: Muslims, Christians surrounded the ring, so that they could pray during the riots.

Christians protect Muslims during the solemn service.

Even elephants have dentures. Well, except the person who made it, does not deserve respect?

Salvation drowning - the handiwork of drowning? I doubt it. If not for this boy would have drowned for sure deer.

Jacqueline Kiplimo helping a disabled runner at the finish line.

In the subway turnstile broke. Passengers, instead of having to go free, to leave money to travel directly to this turnstile.

Israeli players cover Ukrainian children from the rain. Before the game the stadium fell sharply colder and rain.

The passengers of the train saw the elephant fell into the pit. They persuaded the driver to stop the train, and fed the animal leaves until rescuers arrived.

Firefighter rescues koala from thirst during forest fires.

10 thousand people gathered in the street near the house of 8-year-old Delaney Brown to perform for her Christmas song. Last year, she was diagnosed - myelogenous leukemia.

Share this article and show your friends, that there are good people in the world who do good deeds!
via ofigenno cc
This video you will make the way to the bone. Think about it, when the take up of car keys.
Manage to see the truth! 40 is very ambiguous image will not leave you indifferent.