Great moments in life! After this video I want to act and live to the full.
Luc Barzheron (known in the open spaces of the Internet under the name Zapatou) - blogger enthusiast who has been around since 2011 the creation of delicious videomiksov mounted on the basis of the best videos online. His videos is not the first collected more than two million views.
Extreme sports, speed, movement, height, risk, drive - all of this helps you win over yourself and your fear. Love and fear - the most powerful feeling in the world. Only the fear of extortion, you realize how much you love life. Only he found himself on the brink of you fully appreciate life and realize that she is beautiful.
Before you watch this clip, hold your breath. Less words - more action. Look! Ready? Well, let's go!
//player.vimeo.com/video/65650447?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Не limit yourself. Live to the full. Share this video with your friends motivating.
Extreme sports, speed, movement, height, risk, drive - all of this helps you win over yourself and your fear. Love and fear - the most powerful feeling in the world. Only the fear of extortion, you realize how much you love life. Only he found himself on the brink of you fully appreciate life and realize that she is beautiful.
Before you watch this clip, hold your breath. Less words - more action. Look! Ready? Well, let's go!
//player.vimeo.com/video/65650447?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Не limit yourself. Live to the full. Share this video with your friends motivating.
Puppy tried so hard to please the master. Look what happened. 100% positive for the whole day!
25 wonders of the USSR, who simply "Crazy" to foreigners!