5 minutes infinite tenderness between Robin Williams and big but friendly gorilla Koko.
Our hearts are still filled with sorrow and regret after the news of the sudden death of Robin Williams. But unforgettable Robin left us many great moments that make us smile and take away all the bitterness that has remained in our hearts.
Coco - a gorilla, fluent in American Sign Language. In this video, friendly animal encounters favorite actor. It seems that two of them managed to get along well! They did eat, something to talk about.
//player.vimeo.com/video/103222604?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Коко, learning about the care of her friend, she was very upset. The personnel for the animals in Northern California say that a gorilla trembling lower lip, and it showed in sign language, "she cries," referring to himself.
If they were able to brighten up your day, share this light video with your friends and make them smile.
Coco - a gorilla, fluent in American Sign Language. In this video, friendly animal encounters favorite actor. It seems that two of them managed to get along well! They did eat, something to talk about.
//player.vimeo.com/video/103222604?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Коко, learning about the care of her friend, she was very upset. The personnel for the animals in Northern California say that a gorilla trembling lower lip, and it showed in sign language, "she cries," referring to himself.
If they were able to brighten up your day, share this light video with your friends and make them smile.
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