This fun fox photogenic too friendly to leave the people. I want to imagine such a cutie!
Looking at these charming eyes quite clear that Fox Pudding love with their owners.
This fox was born in the wild, but now it has found a home. Abandoned by his mother in Yorkshire England, she was rescued by the National Society for the Protection of foxes, volunteer organization dedicated to the rescue of the wounded fox.
In the UK, foxes have little or no legal protection. They were even allowed to hunt. But this does not prevent companies for the protection of animals fight for the rights of our smaller brethren.
After meeting with their relatives Pudding was released into the wild. But the day before his release near the office of the organization tree fell, and for a long time, blocking the way for other foxes. During this time the pudding has become so tame that he decided to leave. Now he lives with his owners. Although the fox can not be pets, this did not prevent the pudding to find common ground with the person.
This story is truly unique. Rarely can be found tame foxes. Happened to this news with your friends!
This fox was born in the wild, but now it has found a home. Abandoned by his mother in Yorkshire England, she was rescued by the National Society for the Protection of foxes, volunteer organization dedicated to the rescue of the wounded fox.
In the UK, foxes have little or no legal protection. They were even allowed to hunt. But this does not prevent companies for the protection of animals fight for the rights of our smaller brethren.
After meeting with their relatives Pudding was released into the wild. But the day before his release near the office of the organization tree fell, and for a long time, blocking the way for other foxes. During this time the pudding has become so tame that he decided to leave. Now he lives with his owners. Although the fox can not be pets, this did not prevent the pudding to find common ground with the person.
This story is truly unique. Rarely can be found tame foxes. Happened to this news with your friends!
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