In life, everything is much steeper than the blockbusters. This superdedule managed otdubasil three bandits!
Andrew Adamson known locally as thoughtful and gentle man.
London ... When a Briton in a suit, fighting alone in front of the camera with three villains, immediately comes to mind the story of James Bond. But in this case the name of the hero Andrew Adamson.
59-year-old businessman had just returned home from a dinner party with his wife Liz and came face to face with the three robbers. Without a shadow of a doubt the grandfather of four small English town Kettering crowbars attacked armed criminals and gave them such a beating that they were forced to flee.
One of the robbers swung a metal armature 59-year-old Mr Adamson.
But the businessman growth of 1 meter 73 centimeters ...
... victorious in the battle against three opponents and drove the bandits.
The camera filmed a fight scene. Adamson said: «I did so, as I have done in my place any man. I wanted to protect his home and his wife ». I>
Even one of the thieves during the interrogation of an elderly man praised for his courage. Courage has no age limits. Tell me about this other old hero!

London ... When a Briton in a suit, fighting alone in front of the camera with three villains, immediately comes to mind the story of James Bond. But in this case the name of the hero Andrew Adamson.
59-year-old businessman had just returned home from a dinner party with his wife Liz and came face to face with the three robbers. Without a shadow of a doubt the grandfather of four small English town Kettering crowbars attacked armed criminals and gave them such a beating that they were forced to flee.
One of the robbers swung a metal armature 59-year-old Mr Adamson.

But the businessman growth of 1 meter 73 centimeters ...

... victorious in the battle against three opponents and drove the bandits.

The camera filmed a fight scene. Adamson said: «I did so, as I have done in my place any man. I wanted to protect his home and his wife ». I>
Even one of the thieves during the interrogation of an elderly man praised for his courage. Courage has no age limits. Tell me about this other old hero!
They only wanted to climb to the top floor. But when the elevator opened, the two women terribly frightened.
Puppy did not admit to the child ... But when they met, it was clear - they are not separate.