This young mother wants to say something important. You will not like it, but you will certainly agree.
It Stephanie Metz from South Dakota. She is a mother of two boys. This woman is tired of the modern society, which educates children infantile, unable to do anything on their own. Here is what she wrote about this in his blog:
Why do my children are not the center of my universe i>
Wait, what did she say? Perhaps this sounds a bit snobbish publication, but it's my shout about all sore. My kids are not the center of my universe, and perhaps even logical, since they generally can not be the center of someone's universe and the universe as a whole. I>
If you are willing to accept the harsh truth of life, keep reading. I warn you, this topic is very important to me! Yes, besides, it is very controversial. But, listen, I feel on this issue as I feel, and this is not changed. I>
The emotions that I pour into this blog, due largely one seemingly insignificant event that happened to me and my baby this week. My son Hendrix collecting things he needed for a school play, "Show and tell." The boy decided to take a figure of the superhero. He ran with it almost all his childhood. Synulya also put in a bag a few more things, and then proudly told me that he is entirely ready for the "Show and tell." Later, after some thought, the son said, "You know what, I probably would not take with this yellow figure ... Our teacher even, I suppose, would think that this gun, and I will then be major problems. Take, please, the superhero, and put something else ». I>
I always try to think about the world in which my boys growing up. And somehow the world just makes me a terrible outrage. This situation is only further exacerbated my indignation. For me personally, it was a very serious decision to release the children into this world. After all, they - my treasure, which every day gives me a lot of joy that fills my heart that makes me extremely happy. Yes, my children - ordinary little boys. They love to play with guns, love transform into good and bad guys, sometimes they even want to beat each other and make a noise a bit. Such is the nature of little boys ... Since when is the typical boyish behavior can cause that my children expelled from school? I, frankly, sick of the modern way of thinking ... i>
Many years ago, yard boys as if nothing had happened chased down the street with a toy gun, "hunting" for the bad guys, and it was considered normal! Yes, you could take the kid a gun, but it would be easy to find a replacement, using sticks or own a club in his arms as weapons - because children's imagination does wonders! Now adults somehow see this as just the natural behavior of the threat and the manifestation of child cruelty. I>
The methods of modern education just introduced me to a screeching halt. Childhood today's young generation (yes, young, although I only 29 years old) is filled with a bunch of marshmallows, rainbow unicorns and other vanilla. Today's parents are raising a generation incapable of properly to get along in society. As a child, whose desire to constantly indulge, whose parents are strongly protected from the inspired "evil", be able to live in a modern, sometimes very cruel world of adults? Imagine the following scene: Debbie graduated from high school and entered the University. Here it already wrote his first scientific work and meets with his supervisor to discuss the main points of the work. But he suddenly this young lady says that her pitiful writings - a solid nonsense, and that it will receive for it the lowest score. As Debbie is now to deal with this "tragedy", because previously it still has not been criticized, and the parents have tried to do everything possible so that it does not grieve? I>
Modern parents throw everything to entertain the child, who simply got bored. It is terrible to imagine what will happen with Joey in his adult life, when one day he finds a man who just like his mommy, throw everything for him and come to satisfy his every whim? I>
Moms and dads who make their child the center of his universe, no this is not benefiting. It is natural that we love our children more than anything else. But what we throw everything to satisfy their every whim, can later cause our child to a very cruel insight and disappointment when they face the objective reality. I do not think I do not edify you do not specify how to educate their children ... I am very far from ideal in this case. But when my children are trying to find something, I flatly refuse to assist them in this, as long as they are not on their own will find what you were looking for. It is not cruel, it teaches them to deal with the problem yourself before you give up, or ask someone for help. I>
When we turn off the TV, I say to the children went to play in his room. I love them and miss them during the week, but in me combined too many functions: I - a mother, I - his wife, I - just Stephanie and I - a housewife. There are things that I just have to run, and my kids understand that. They know that the world does not fit only for the two of them. It makes kids look for fun on their own, that develops their imagination and learn how to get along with each other without the constant intervention of the parents. I>
My kids also know that if they ask for something, they have to first say "magic words." If they have something to ask, they are obliged to respond. If we go out somewhere to eat, we do not take the tablet with a 5 to occupy yourself with something until we bring the food. We talk, and if someone from the boys get bored, they go out to play. I>
Everyone has their own methods of education, I understand and appreciate. But the current generation of stars in the sky to expect that the objective world can not provide. I am happy to meet two very wise guys who are able to accept failure, learn from it the lesson and move on. I know the two boys, who are likely to experience emotional pain, but they will cope with this and continue their lives. Yes, I, as a mom, tries to soften the emotional here such here the fall of my children, but I can not completely prevent them. I>
My boys will know the value of hard work and the will to understand that if you want to live well, to work. They realize that no one is immune from mistakes. They will realize that in the world there are a lot of people, and while they are special and dear to me, they can not be established for the whole world. Maybe it sounds cruel, but the harsh truth is that just need to take. I>
I understand that I can not change the way of thinking of modern parents ... It never was and never will be my goal. I just want to be sure that I will be able to grow a decent men who will be able to succeed on their own, simply because they were ready for it. I>
My kids are not the center of my universe, and I love them so much that they are they never will. i>
This is very important information that everyone should take a note. Tell us about this important message to all current and future parents.

Why do my children are not the center of my universe i>
Wait, what did she say? Perhaps this sounds a bit snobbish publication, but it's my shout about all sore. My kids are not the center of my universe, and perhaps even logical, since they generally can not be the center of someone's universe and the universe as a whole. I>
If you are willing to accept the harsh truth of life, keep reading. I warn you, this topic is very important to me! Yes, besides, it is very controversial. But, listen, I feel on this issue as I feel, and this is not changed. I>
The emotions that I pour into this blog, due largely one seemingly insignificant event that happened to me and my baby this week. My son Hendrix collecting things he needed for a school play, "Show and tell." The boy decided to take a figure of the superhero. He ran with it almost all his childhood. Synulya also put in a bag a few more things, and then proudly told me that he is entirely ready for the "Show and tell." Later, after some thought, the son said, "You know what, I probably would not take with this yellow figure ... Our teacher even, I suppose, would think that this gun, and I will then be major problems. Take, please, the superhero, and put something else ». I>
I always try to think about the world in which my boys growing up. And somehow the world just makes me a terrible outrage. This situation is only further exacerbated my indignation. For me personally, it was a very serious decision to release the children into this world. After all, they - my treasure, which every day gives me a lot of joy that fills my heart that makes me extremely happy. Yes, my children - ordinary little boys. They love to play with guns, love transform into good and bad guys, sometimes they even want to beat each other and make a noise a bit. Such is the nature of little boys ... Since when is the typical boyish behavior can cause that my children expelled from school? I, frankly, sick of the modern way of thinking ... i>
Many years ago, yard boys as if nothing had happened chased down the street with a toy gun, "hunting" for the bad guys, and it was considered normal! Yes, you could take the kid a gun, but it would be easy to find a replacement, using sticks or own a club in his arms as weapons - because children's imagination does wonders! Now adults somehow see this as just the natural behavior of the threat and the manifestation of child cruelty. I>
The methods of modern education just introduced me to a screeching halt. Childhood today's young generation (yes, young, although I only 29 years old) is filled with a bunch of marshmallows, rainbow unicorns and other vanilla. Today's parents are raising a generation incapable of properly to get along in society. As a child, whose desire to constantly indulge, whose parents are strongly protected from the inspired "evil", be able to live in a modern, sometimes very cruel world of adults? Imagine the following scene: Debbie graduated from high school and entered the University. Here it already wrote his first scientific work and meets with his supervisor to discuss the main points of the work. But he suddenly this young lady says that her pitiful writings - a solid nonsense, and that it will receive for it the lowest score. As Debbie is now to deal with this "tragedy", because previously it still has not been criticized, and the parents have tried to do everything possible so that it does not grieve? I>
Modern parents throw everything to entertain the child, who simply got bored. It is terrible to imagine what will happen with Joey in his adult life, when one day he finds a man who just like his mommy, throw everything for him and come to satisfy his every whim? I>
Moms and dads who make their child the center of his universe, no this is not benefiting. It is natural that we love our children more than anything else. But what we throw everything to satisfy their every whim, can later cause our child to a very cruel insight and disappointment when they face the objective reality. I do not think I do not edify you do not specify how to educate their children ... I am very far from ideal in this case. But when my children are trying to find something, I flatly refuse to assist them in this, as long as they are not on their own will find what you were looking for. It is not cruel, it teaches them to deal with the problem yourself before you give up, or ask someone for help. I>
When we turn off the TV, I say to the children went to play in his room. I love them and miss them during the week, but in me combined too many functions: I - a mother, I - his wife, I - just Stephanie and I - a housewife. There are things that I just have to run, and my kids understand that. They know that the world does not fit only for the two of them. It makes kids look for fun on their own, that develops their imagination and learn how to get along with each other without the constant intervention of the parents. I>
My kids also know that if they ask for something, they have to first say "magic words." If they have something to ask, they are obliged to respond. If we go out somewhere to eat, we do not take the tablet with a 5 to occupy yourself with something until we bring the food. We talk, and if someone from the boys get bored, they go out to play. I>
Everyone has their own methods of education, I understand and appreciate. But the current generation of stars in the sky to expect that the objective world can not provide. I am happy to meet two very wise guys who are able to accept failure, learn from it the lesson and move on. I know the two boys, who are likely to experience emotional pain, but they will cope with this and continue their lives. Yes, I, as a mom, tries to soften the emotional here such here the fall of my children, but I can not completely prevent them. I>
My boys will know the value of hard work and the will to understand that if you want to live well, to work. They realize that no one is immune from mistakes. They will realize that in the world there are a lot of people, and while they are special and dear to me, they can not be established for the whole world. Maybe it sounds cruel, but the harsh truth is that just need to take. I>
I understand that I can not change the way of thinking of modern parents ... It never was and never will be my goal. I just want to be sure that I will be able to grow a decent men who will be able to succeed on their own, simply because they were ready for it. I>
My kids are not the center of my universe, and I love them so much that they are they never will. i>
This is very important information that everyone should take a note. Tell us about this important message to all current and future parents.
He spent a week filming the biggest aurora in the world. I was speechless when I saw it!
They sailed on the boat as a chance meeting gave them a chance to see one of the greatest phenomena of nature!