They sailed on the boat as a chance meeting gave them a chance to see one of the greatest phenomena of nature!
They are quiet and peaceful sailing boat, Mila nature and taking off all her beauty on video. Suddenly there was something unusual ... Maybe you will be able to see that the greatest passing phenomenon for the first time! Suddenly the sky was filled with a flock of birds. Birds began to fly, depicting synchronized dance ... Watching this magnificent air show, you realize how much all the same in nature everything is harmonious and beautiful! Scientists say this is just a reflex, but just look how beautiful this picture is living bird flock! Just fascinating, and I want to be there or fly into the heavenly heights with the birds ...
//player.vimeo.com/video/31158841?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Каждый times when nature seems to close and clear, it starts to amaze you more. Tell us about this unusual phenomenon of a friend, they certainly this has never seen!
//player.vimeo.com/video/31158841?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Каждый times when nature seems to close and clear, it starts to amaze you more. Tell us about this unusual phenomenon of a friend, they certainly this has never seen!
This young mother wants to say something important. You will not like it, but you will certainly agree.
This duckling is not accustomed to lag. I could not believe my eyes when I saw how fast he can run.