9 unforgettable months of pregnancy only 1000 shots. Each frame - unique!
This 4-minute video presented the magical process of formation and the birth of a new life, and yet it is only 1000 pictures! Incredibly, you can see to what metamorphoses happen to a woman's body for the first 9 months of pregnancy, and for all pleasant (and not) the consequences of an interesting situation: nausea, sleepiness, fatigue, anticipation and curiosity, the joy of receiving the news about who will be born - a boy or a girl; preparing for motherhood, shopping and other things connected with this memorable time for every woman ... Expectant mother had a dream, as it will take care of her baby. All in the family preparing for a new member of the family, even the dog! Daddy already can not wait when the light will be his little princess.
This will be a memory for parents and baby! Share this process languid, but overflowing with happiness waiting another baby. Give creative idea for young people who are preparing to become a mother and father.
This will be a memory for parents and baby! Share this process languid, but overflowing with happiness waiting another baby. Give creative idea for young people who are preparing to become a mother and father.
The difference between life and death can be felt only by those who came face to face with the latest ...
These 25 color photographs just turned the idea of history as we know it!