These 25 color photographs just turned the idea of history as we know it!
In these photos represent a unique look at the history of this, as we know it. Until the 1970s, color photography was a rarity, so the historical events in our consciousness are presented in black and white colors, they are seen you distant, faded and indistinct. This 25 color images weighty historical events and personalities. This is the only chance to see the story for what it was!
Claude Monet in 1923.
Pablo Picasso.
President Lincoln with Major General Allan Pinkerton and MakKlernandom in place in Antietam, Maryland, in 1862.
Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963. Oswald lead for questioning in the murder of John F. Kennedy.
Helen Keller met the comedian Charlie Chaplin, 1918.
Girls delivering ice in 1918.
Winston Churchill, 1941.
Albert Einstein, 1921.
Madison Square, around 1900.
The crash of the airship "Hindenburg».
British soldiers returning from the front in 1939.
Marilyn Monroe.
Soldiers at Easter during the Second World War.
Murphy testing body armor in 1923.
Pilot shear while he reads a book in front of an important mission.
Native American tribal group the Sioux on horseback, 1905.
Washington Gas station, DC, 1924.
Henry Ford, 1919.
The boys bought the flowers, 1908.
The farmer during the dust storm, Oklahoma, in 1939.
Louis Armstrong playing for his wife Lucille in Cairo, Egypt in 1961.
Brooklyn Bridge, 1904.
Two boxer after a fight.
Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield.
The Kennedy brothers outside the Oval Office.
It's great that you have the opportunity to see history in color. Frankly, my understanding of some of the historical events and personalities turned. Share this retro picture with a friend, even if they see the story from a different perspective!
Claude Monet in 1923.

Pablo Picasso.

President Lincoln with Major General Allan Pinkerton and MakKlernandom in place in Antietam, Maryland, in 1862.

Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963. Oswald lead for questioning in the murder of John F. Kennedy.

Helen Keller met the comedian Charlie Chaplin, 1918.

Girls delivering ice in 1918.

Winston Churchill, 1941.

Albert Einstein, 1921.

Madison Square, around 1900.

The crash of the airship "Hindenburg».

British soldiers returning from the front in 1939.

Marilyn Monroe.

Soldiers at Easter during the Second World War.

Murphy testing body armor in 1923.

Pilot shear while he reads a book in front of an important mission.

Native American tribal group the Sioux on horseback, 1905.

Washington Gas station, DC, 1924.

Henry Ford, 1919.

The boys bought the flowers, 1908.

The farmer during the dust storm, Oklahoma, in 1939.

Louis Armstrong playing for his wife Lucille in Cairo, Egypt in 1961.

Brooklyn Bridge, 1904.

Two boxer after a fight.

Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield.
The Kennedy brothers outside the Oval Office.

It's great that you have the opportunity to see history in color. Frankly, my understanding of some of the historical events and personalities turned. Share this retro picture with a friend, even if they see the story from a different perspective!
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