Do you think that the coloring for the kids? Actually it is an effective method of getting rid of stress.
In the current environment it is virtually impossible to avoid stress, do not believe it, but the usual coloring can be an excellent means to avoid or relieve stress. Coloring pictures most of us associate with childhood. Becoming older, we put aside our crayons and pencils, which so loved to paint as a child. In their stead come pens and markers. But there is a solution! Publishers have developed unique rasskraska specifically for adults. This creative practice not only calms, but also stimulates the part of the brain responsible for motor skills, emotions and creativity.
Photo: Unknown
At the beginning of the 20th century Carl Jung noted relaxing properties of coloring pictures. He recommended as an art therapy to paint a mandala - round schematic views, similar to church stained-glass windows, which are used in a variety of spiritual practices. «When we color the illustrations, to operate two hemispheres of the brain: the part that is responsible for the logic by which we distinguish between colors; and brain responsible for creativity, by which we are able to combine colors », i> - says psychologist Gloria Martinez Ayala. Also involves areas of the cerebral cortex, responsible for co-ordination, which gives us the ability to make precise movements with pencils, without departing from the line. Besides drawing reduces the activity of the amygdala - the main part of the brain involved in the management of emotions that occur during times of stress.
Photo: Lynk
Simply put, painting pictures has anti-stress effect. Just when we concentrate on some busy, we cease to dwell on the negative and forget about our problems and concerns. This work develops the imagination, if we return to the carefree childhood.
Photos: Blog-Imgs
«I recommend painting as a method of relaxation», i> - says psychologist Anthony Martinez. «It gives you the opportunity to immerse themselves in the creative atmosphere and feel at ease», i> - he says. Depending on what kind of mood you have and how you feel, you can choose a suitable color and you create your drawing. «I myself often doing it. I advise you to draw in a tranquil setting to the sound of soft music. Colour your world. Just give rein to their imagination ». I>
Photo: Zing Blog
Time to get pencils ... I must now run to the shop and buy a coloring book. Tell us about a great way to avoid the stress to a friend.
via ofigenno ru

Photo: Unknown
At the beginning of the 20th century Carl Jung noted relaxing properties of coloring pictures. He recommended as an art therapy to paint a mandala - round schematic views, similar to church stained-glass windows, which are used in a variety of spiritual practices. «When we color the illustrations, to operate two hemispheres of the brain: the part that is responsible for the logic by which we distinguish between colors; and brain responsible for creativity, by which we are able to combine colors », i> - says psychologist Gloria Martinez Ayala. Also involves areas of the cerebral cortex, responsible for co-ordination, which gives us the ability to make precise movements with pencils, without departing from the line. Besides drawing reduces the activity of the amygdala - the main part of the brain involved in the management of emotions that occur during times of stress.

Photo: Lynk
Simply put, painting pictures has anti-stress effect. Just when we concentrate on some busy, we cease to dwell on the negative and forget about our problems and concerns. This work develops the imagination, if we return to the carefree childhood.

Photos: Blog-Imgs
«I recommend painting as a method of relaxation», i> - says psychologist Anthony Martinez. «It gives you the opportunity to immerse themselves in the creative atmosphere and feel at ease», i> - he says. Depending on what kind of mood you have and how you feel, you can choose a suitable color and you create your drawing. «I myself often doing it. I advise you to draw in a tranquil setting to the sound of soft music. Colour your world. Just give rein to their imagination ». I>

Photo: Zing Blog
Time to get pencils ... I must now run to the shop and buy a coloring book. Tell us about a great way to avoid the stress to a friend.
via ofigenno ru
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