They wanted to beat each other! But the wise words of mentor is no longer left room for aggression ...
Truth be told, that in a healthy body - healthy mind. Fighting - it's not a sport, mastering how you'll be able to show their physical strength to others ... is an art by which you develop the strength to keep harmony in the mind and body. You should not get into a fight ... fighting spirit only weak people. Remember, you have no right to humiliate the man for the national or any other affiliation. Only the wretched mind can blame other people for what was given to him by nature. We are all human ... In order to learn the art of fighting, you should first of all to respect your opponent, and it refers to the well. Listen to the words of this wise coach ... This man - not just a trainer, it is also a true mentor to the younger generation of fighters. Children of different nationalities in conflict with each other. But he showed that everyone who considers him his mentor, can not show aggression to his comrades. His words made the young men to think seriously ...
exercise, lead a healthy way of life, because life - this movement, and the sport adds to your life rhythm even more energy, be patient and respect for his fellow man, do not limit ourselves with race ... Share these very wise advice that will be useful to you, not only in sports but in life, other.
exercise, lead a healthy way of life, because life - this movement, and the sport adds to your life rhythm even more energy, be patient and respect for his fellow man, do not limit ourselves with race ... Share these very wise advice that will be useful to you, not only in sports but in life, other.
Scientists have proved, and you still do not know: you love your dog as much as the child.
Do you think that the coloring for the kids? Actually it is an effective method of getting rid of stress.