Scientists have proved, and you still do not know: you love your dog as much as the child.
Scientists have proved, and many of us know that the love of a dog is almost human love mother for her child.
Photo: Shutterstock
Dogs began to breed as pets tens of thousands of years ago (another 32 000 years have been recorded first historical mention of home PSE). Approximately 2/3 of Americans live pets, and these people spend on these, about 52 billion dollars a year.
In this study, researchers from the Massachusetts Public Hospital sought to directly compare the functional nervous system of the mother and the dog. The researchers asked the women to look at pictures of their baby and the dog, and then they were given shots of unknown kids and the dogs and simply recorded their reactions.
In the brain it was seen almost identical emotional reactions when the mother looked at the child and his dog. But unfamiliar photos have not provoked the same reaction.
But the response of the brain to children and dogs are still a bit different when tested women saw a picture of the dog, more actively were involved facial muscles when the mother looked at a photo of their child, activated middle part of the cerebral cortex. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in dealing with pets, we actively use facial expressions and gestures, as we talk with them very different languages.
More research is needed to replicate the results. It makes sense to show our close ties with the animals living in our house.
«Pets have a special place in the hearts and lives of many people, and there is strong evidence from clinical and laboratory studies that prove this», i> he says the same university Laurie Pelly.
These results simply confirm how much we mean to our pets! Tell us about this interesting discovery all familiar to fans of dogs.
Photo: Shutterstock
Dogs began to breed as pets tens of thousands of years ago (another 32 000 years have been recorded first historical mention of home PSE). Approximately 2/3 of Americans live pets, and these people spend on these, about 52 billion dollars a year.
In this study, researchers from the Massachusetts Public Hospital sought to directly compare the functional nervous system of the mother and the dog. The researchers asked the women to look at pictures of their baby and the dog, and then they were given shots of unknown kids and the dogs and simply recorded their reactions.
In the brain it was seen almost identical emotional reactions when the mother looked at the child and his dog. But unfamiliar photos have not provoked the same reaction.
But the response of the brain to children and dogs are still a bit different when tested women saw a picture of the dog, more actively were involved facial muscles when the mother looked at a photo of their child, activated middle part of the cerebral cortex. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in dealing with pets, we actively use facial expressions and gestures, as we talk with them very different languages.
More research is needed to replicate the results. It makes sense to show our close ties with the animals living in our house.
«Pets have a special place in the hearts and lives of many people, and there is strong evidence from clinical and laboratory studies that prove this», i> he says the same university Laurie Pelly.
These results simply confirm how much we mean to our pets! Tell us about this interesting discovery all familiar to fans of dogs.
Thoughts dogs of which you would not even know ... Wow!
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