She lived with a lion under one roof. But not everything was so fabulous as the photographs.
It happened in the '70s. Famous actress Melanie Griffith in her 19 years was forced to live in the same house s huge wild animals - a lion named Neil. It happened through the fault of her parents. Actress Tippi Hedren, Melanie and stepfather wanted to make a film about big cats. In order to better understand the animal, the trainer suggested the family to live together with Neil. These pictures show how people could live under one roof with a dangerous predator.
At first glance it might seem that they had enough fun to live together, but this is not true. When shooting the film, one of the lionesses attacked Melanie. She imposed 50 stitches on the face, and one of the operators of an injury requiring surgery. When shooting the film "Roar" a total of 70 people were injured.
Melanie Griffith plays with the Nile basin, Calif.
Neil plays with the child.
Leo Melanie biting his leg during a jump.
Mother Melanie played with Neil.
Neil is in bed with Melanie.
Friends even slept in the same bed.
Neil was often used as a pillow, and he was not particularly opposed to this.
Funny brawl s rather big cat.
Neil refrigerator checks for the presence of "tasty».
Noel is trying to work, and Neil wants to play.
The invaluable experience of living together with the lion prompted Tippi Hedren in the creation of a fund The Roar Foundation in California, that educates the public that wild animals can not be kept at home. Share this amazing story with your friends!
At first glance it might seem that they had enough fun to live together, but this is not true. When shooting the film, one of the lionesses attacked Melanie. She imposed 50 stitches on the face, and one of the operators of an injury requiring surgery. When shooting the film "Roar" a total of 70 people were injured.
Melanie Griffith plays with the Nile basin, Calif.

Neil plays with the child.

Leo Melanie biting his leg during a jump.
Mother Melanie played with Neil.
Neil is in bed with Melanie.

Friends even slept in the same bed.

Neil was often used as a pillow, and he was not particularly opposed to this.

Funny brawl s rather big cat.

Neil refrigerator checks for the presence of "tasty».

Noel is trying to work, and Neil wants to play.

The invaluable experience of living together with the lion prompted Tippi Hedren in the creation of a fund The Roar Foundation in California, that educates the public that wild animals can not be kept at home. Share this amazing story with your friends!
You fall off the chair when you see these striking similarities! It's funny to horror.
Initially it looks like a normal girl's picture. But knowing that this, you will be simply amazed!