30 great phrases of parents familiar to us since childhood. That's who taught us the good sense!
Who are we without the wise counsel of our parents? However, the generation gap has an effect, which is why parents often seem instructions to us ridiculous. We do not like when relatives teach us wits and often do not listen to them, but eventually realize that in many respects they were right. These are typical statements of parents, who are familiar to each of us from childhood. What a life!
What they direct in his love for his own children! Appreciate your parents! Always show the typical phrase your family and friends.
via ofigenno ru

What they direct in his love for his own children! Appreciate your parents! Always show the typical phrase your family and friends.
via ofigenno ru
The owners let the dog play in the snow. When I saw that he gets up, I almost fell out laughing!
"Do not resuscitate!" 91-year-old grandmother stuffed the last will of his chest.