His children did not let phones out of the hands during a family dinner. The reaction of the father - great!
Has it ever happened that the members of your family or friends do not let out of the hands of the phone during dinner or conversation with you? This is very annoying, is not it? Unfortunately, in today's world of technology, this problem is daily becoming more and more urgent. Some families take the radical decision to fight it - disable use the phone during a meal. In this case, all the family members is the time to communicate with each other.
Matthew Ebeler - father, who was fed up with correspondence while eating. He found an unusual approach to the problem and decided to express their outrage over a short film called "Pass the salt».
During a family dinner the two brothers are completely immersed in their phones, not paying any attention to the rest. This greatly irritates their father, who is trying to divert the request to transfer his sons salt. In return, he gets pepper on inattentive son. The way the man reacted to this act - priceless!
What do you think? These brothers did not resemble anyone you? Of course, nowadays many do not even imagine their lives without a phone and the Internet, but it does not give us the right to forget about family values and live communication with relatives.
Share this video with your friends, because the issues raised in it, close to each of us!
Matthew Ebeler - father, who was fed up with correspondence while eating. He found an unusual approach to the problem and decided to express their outrage over a short film called "Pass the salt».
During a family dinner the two brothers are completely immersed in their phones, not paying any attention to the rest. This greatly irritates their father, who is trying to divert the request to transfer his sons salt. In return, he gets pepper on inattentive son. The way the man reacted to this act - priceless!
What do you think? These brothers did not resemble anyone you? Of course, nowadays many do not even imagine their lives without a phone and the Internet, but it does not give us the right to forget about family values and live communication with relatives.
Share this video with your friends, because the issues raised in it, close to each of us!
These six people have died in solitude. But they did not find the body for years!
Nobody expected that a stray dog so thank his rescuer. You raschuvstvueshsya to tears!