25 grandparents who can not live without my grandchildren! They can not look without emotion ...
It's no secret that grandparents have a special place in the life of a child. They always find time for it and do everything to please his beloved grandson. For grandparents spending time with their grandchildren - a great reason to feel a surge of youth and energy. They always find something to occupy and entertain the baby. Just look at these photos! They - a striking confirmation of all the above. They can not look without emotion ... I'm thrilled!
Admit it, it's very emotional pictures with the naked eye does not tear! The smiles of the children and grandparents for much joy. Immediately evident that Granddaddy doted in their favorite grandchildren. And what could be better than a strong spiritual connection between the two closest people? .. In these photos it is visible at a glance.

Admit it, it's very emotional pictures with the naked eye does not tear! The smiles of the children and grandparents for much joy. Immediately evident that Granddaddy doted in their favorite grandchildren. And what could be better than a strong spiritual connection between the two closest people? .. In these photos it is visible at a glance.
When the couple came on the scene, no one did not expect this as a divinely dancing fat man!
He was standing on the beach with a rake in his hands ... He was considered crazy, but soon realized that he - the genius.