You will not believe your eyes when you see that the manufacturers do with unsold cars.
In 2009, the era of overproduction of cars. Manufacturers started to make many times more products than necessary. There remained a lot of unnecessary goods, and the market demanded the release of more and new types of cars.
Thousands and millions of cars are left to fend for themselves in the open. This is the real road of the cemetery, where iron is slowly turns to dust.
At one end of the world people have nothing to eat and drink, and the other - rusting useless cars worth billions of dollars. What did not make the manufacturer to improve a person thirsty for shopping and, accordingly, the level of sales.
The Shining, beautiful, new, and thus rusting and unnecessary. This photo was taken in Port Sheerness, Kent, England. But there are many places around the world. B>
Here is one of them.
And this picture was taken in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
More than 57,000 nekuplennyh cars found their last resting place.
They should be put somewhere, to make room for new models of cars. In this situation, come to the aid of such parking here. B>
The overproduction - a problem that affects not only the US but the whole world.
For example, these machines stand all day under the scorching sun of Spain.
And this is Russia, St. Petersburg.
These cars were imported, but it did not save them from a similar fate.
In recent years, the world's tendency to reduce the number of purchases and the desire to use purchased for a long time.
This photo shows a car cemetery in Avonmouth, United Kingdom. Each segment is gray - a cluster of unsold cars. B>
One unsaleable parking cars in Corby, United Kingdom.
And this is - the port of Civitavecchia, Italy.
wasted car in Valencia, Spain.
Many cars are so for several years.
The abandoned car oil sinks to the bottom of the settler, and corrosion eats away all the internal parts of the engine.
It is a pity that these cars are similar fate befalls. Surely it would be more expedient to send them for processing, to sell at a reduced price, or give to those who really need them. But in this matter acting purely monetary logic, and not a common human.
Thousands and millions of cars are left to fend for themselves in the open. This is the real road of the cemetery, where iron is slowly turns to dust.
At one end of the world people have nothing to eat and drink, and the other - rusting useless cars worth billions of dollars. What did not make the manufacturer to improve a person thirsty for shopping and, accordingly, the level of sales.
The Shining, beautiful, new, and thus rusting and unnecessary. This photo was taken in Port Sheerness, Kent, England. But there are many places around the world. B>

Here is one of them.

And this picture was taken in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

More than 57,000 nekuplennyh cars found their last resting place.

They should be put somewhere, to make room for new models of cars. In this situation, come to the aid of such parking here. B>

The overproduction - a problem that affects not only the US but the whole world.

For example, these machines stand all day under the scorching sun of Spain.

And this is Russia, St. Petersburg.

These cars were imported, but it did not save them from a similar fate.

In recent years, the world's tendency to reduce the number of purchases and the desire to use purchased for a long time.

This photo shows a car cemetery in Avonmouth, United Kingdom. Each segment is gray - a cluster of unsold cars. B>

One unsaleable parking cars in Corby, United Kingdom.

And this is - the port of Civitavecchia, Italy.

wasted car in Valencia, Spain.

Many cars are so for several years.

The abandoned car oil sinks to the bottom of the settler, and corrosion eats away all the internal parts of the engine.

It is a pity that these cars are similar fate befalls. Surely it would be more expedient to send them for processing, to sell at a reduced price, or give to those who really need them. But in this matter acting purely monetary logic, and not a common human.
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