Who would have thought that a trip on the subway can lead to this! The shocking truth about the subway ...
Scientists conducted the study, which showed what can turn an ordinary trip to the subway. As an example, we choose the New York subway, which took the sample from the surface of handrails, seats and buttons. Then bacteriological examination was performed, the result of which shocked absolutely everyone.
In large cities, millions of people use the metro daily. And each of them leaves his cabin germs that are passed from one passenger to another. All surfaces inside the car, which touch people are nothing more than a peddler huge number of microbes, and not always harmless.
During the study, the surfaces of subway cars in New York, have discovered more than 600 species of microorganisms. Among them - viruses, bacteria and fungi, some of which cause illness and drug resistance. In addition, there were found particles of pathogens of plague and anthrax, though no longer capable of infection, but still, the goose bumps from such a discovery!
But do not be frightened, and completely abandon the use of the subway. In addition, it will not solve the problem because even the same situation with the microbes can be traced in all forms of public transport. The best solution - a handwashing come home or office. It will save your health from possible problems.
In large cities, millions of people use the metro daily. And each of them leaves his cabin germs that are passed from one passenger to another. All surfaces inside the car, which touch people are nothing more than a peddler huge number of microbes, and not always harmless.

During the study, the surfaces of subway cars in New York, have discovered more than 600 species of microorganisms. Among them - viruses, bacteria and fungi, some of which cause illness and drug resistance. In addition, there were found particles of pathogens of plague and anthrax, though no longer capable of infection, but still, the goose bumps from such a discovery!
But do not be frightened, and completely abandon the use of the subway. In addition, it will not solve the problem because even the same situation with the microbes can be traced in all forms of public transport. The best solution - a handwashing come home or office. It will save your health from possible problems.
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