White-gold or blue-black? This dress does not rest all over the Internet!
This photo dress has become a real bone of contention for people all over the world. She shared all of us into two groups - those who see his white and gold, and those who are sure that the dress blue and black.
At first glance, this image is difficult to understand why so much hype around it. First, you decide for yourself what kind of colors you see, then ask about someone else ... and then it started! Now, you can not avoid violent disputes, and the more people learn about this mysterious dress, the more stormy discussions are. Likewise, everything happens in the online comments. Scary to think how many relationships destroyed this dress ...
One small picture plunged into a state of panic all network users. People went crazy with desperation and can not find a place. Their minds can not understand why different people see this picture is not the same!
What did not people do to prove the fallacy of his opponent in his view. But the thing is that this dress can really see differently. And no comparison scale photo with other colors or color selection palette in Photoshop, will not help you convince the interlocutor, especially if he is a firm believer in the fact that his eyes can see. But the creator of the well-known graphic editor still inclined to believe that the dress blue and black.
Hopefully, scientists unravel the secret of the dress in the photo and we will explain this phenomenon before humanity plunge myself into the abyss of irreversible chaos and destruction.
At first glance, this image is difficult to understand why so much hype around it. First, you decide for yourself what kind of colors you see, then ask about someone else ... and then it started! Now, you can not avoid violent disputes, and the more people learn about this mysterious dress, the more stormy discussions are. Likewise, everything happens in the online comments. Scary to think how many relationships destroyed this dress ...
One small picture plunged into a state of panic all network users. People went crazy with desperation and can not find a place. Their minds can not understand why different people see this picture is not the same!

What did not people do to prove the fallacy of his opponent in his view. But the thing is that this dress can really see differently. And no comparison scale photo with other colors or color selection palette in Photoshop, will not help you convince the interlocutor, especially if he is a firm believer in the fact that his eyes can see. But the creator of the well-known graphic editor still inclined to believe that the dress blue and black.

Hopefully, scientists unravel the secret of the dress in the photo and we will explain this phenomenon before humanity plunge myself into the abyss of irreversible chaos and destruction.
This baby is terminally ill. From that, what he asked his mother, his hair stand on end!
These 10 habits you meet only our people. Number 3 - right in the bull's-eye!