Amazing cafe with owl is about to open in London ... Nothing nicer I've ever seen!
Who could be dearer seals and dogs? I'm sure you answer this question without even thinking. Of course, the owl. Indeed, today more than ever, these cute feathered creatures in the trend. There is a feeling that the whole world covered the owl euphoria. It can be traced not only in fashion trends from well-known designers, but in life in general.
Very soon, in March this year in London opens a very unusual coffee bar, in front of which will not be able to resist even the most ardent hater parties and secular life. The fact that the highlight of the program will be in this bar, who would you think? That's right, the owl! How can you refuse such a company?
I think there will be many who want to pay a visit to this place.
For a whole week Bar Annie the Owl will be filled by these charming and fascinating nocturnal birds.
The organizers of this action claim that the owls at the same time remain intact. They did not threaten. «We will not be loud music, so as not to scare the animals. In the bar at the same time will let visitors 10-12 ». I> Turns out, this cafe is in high demand even before its opening. Entrance to the bar will be by ticket only. Birds have already created a stir - is almost sold out. This ticket costs as much - £ 20 and includes 2 cocktails and the opportunity to spend as much as 2 hours of charismatic birds.
Get to know is some of the owls, which you can find at the bar.
This guy has an unrivaled talent - he can turn his head by as much as 270 °, to always be on the alert. This glutton eats around 1,000 mice a year.
She arrived from distant lands, where, in general, is found very little owls. She was used to the close and friendly company, so London became for it in some way a real challenge.
This girl in nature - a true leader. She loves to be the center of attention. If you want to come back to the bar, do not forget to grab for her bag and smiles obnimashek.
Look at her ... She - a real lover of chat. This little girl - a soul of the company!
This man of legend. He will conquer you with his wit and wisdom. He regards everything from the share of criticism and skepticism. Winston - still the lover of sarcasm.
This original idea borrowed from the British, the Japanese, who are crazy about various curiosities.
All of these activities is the good mission - to raise funds will be directed to the center of British protection of owls.
That just does not occur to people! I hope that after these gatherings in cafes bird indeed remain alive and well. As humans, we should remember that the animals - not a toy and a little selfish to use them for their own purposes, even if the goals are the basis of good intentions. Tell us about this unusual owl bar your friends. What do they think about this?
Very soon, in March this year in London opens a very unusual coffee bar, in front of which will not be able to resist even the most ardent hater parties and secular life. The fact that the highlight of the program will be in this bar, who would you think? That's right, the owl! How can you refuse such a company?

I think there will be many who want to pay a visit to this place.

For a whole week Bar Annie the Owl will be filled by these charming and fascinating nocturnal birds.

The organizers of this action claim that the owls at the same time remain intact. They did not threaten. «We will not be loud music, so as not to scare the animals. In the bar at the same time will let visitors 10-12 ». I> Turns out, this cafe is in high demand even before its opening. Entrance to the bar will be by ticket only. Birds have already created a stir - is almost sold out. This ticket costs as much - £ 20 and includes 2 cocktails and the opportunity to spend as much as 2 hours of charismatic birds.
Get to know is some of the owls, which you can find at the bar.

This guy has an unrivaled talent - he can turn his head by as much as 270 °, to always be on the alert. This glutton eats around 1,000 mice a year.

She arrived from distant lands, where, in general, is found very little owls. She was used to the close and friendly company, so London became for it in some way a real challenge.

This girl in nature - a true leader. She loves to be the center of attention. If you want to come back to the bar, do not forget to grab for her bag and smiles obnimashek.

Look at her ... She - a real lover of chat. This little girl - a soul of the company!

This man of legend. He will conquer you with his wit and wisdom. He regards everything from the share of criticism and skepticism. Winston - still the lover of sarcasm.

This original idea borrowed from the British, the Japanese, who are crazy about various curiosities.

All of these activities is the good mission - to raise funds will be directed to the center of British protection of owls.

That just does not occur to people! I hope that after these gatherings in cafes bird indeed remain alive and well. As humans, we should remember that the animals - not a toy and a little selfish to use them for their own purposes, even if the goals are the basis of good intentions. Tell us about this unusual owl bar your friends. What do they think about this?
Here's what a nightmare were willing women of the last century, just to look pretty. Horror!
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