Brush instead of a scalpel 30 transformations after make-up, which will be envied even plastic surgeons ...
Today sin is someone complaining about their appearance and the wrath of God, because the modern beauty industry offers a wide range of tools to look irresistible, even if nature has not given you a perfect face or figure. Several motions brush and pencil, a couple of dabs of foundation - and ordinary simpleton turns into a real princess. From past shortcomings as though no trace! But sometimes too zealous with this case ... And this female privilege, how to choose makeup turns into war paint!
Renowned makeup artist Samir Huzami know how to use makeup to perform miracles. He is like a plastic surgeon with a brush instead of a scalpel, carries an incredible transformation. Look at his work - to give a photo before and after make-up - and you will understand what I mean. They do not know! Is this the same girl ?! I can not believe ...
With the make-up will not leave people in the afternoon, but it's perfect for a big party or a secular party. Dear girls, do not try to remake itself beyond recognition, then you will not be afraid to go with the guy on the first date to the pool. Remember: cosmetics - it's just a tool that helps to disguise any visible flaws, and not a mask that hides all your essence. Show these incredible transformation your friends.
Renowned makeup artist Samir Huzami know how to use makeup to perform miracles. He is like a plastic surgeon with a brush instead of a scalpel, carries an incredible transformation. Look at his work - to give a photo before and after make-up - and you will understand what I mean. They do not know! Is this the same girl ?! I can not believe ...

With the make-up will not leave people in the afternoon, but it's perfect for a big party or a secular party. Dear girls, do not try to remake itself beyond recognition, then you will not be afraid to go with the guy on the first date to the pool. Remember: cosmetics - it's just a tool that helps to disguise any visible flaws, and not a mask that hides all your essence. Show these incredible transformation your friends.
20 of the most beautiful horses in the world from which you will be hard to look away.
25 nice things that likes to do each. Before that can resist no man!