This guy severed hand. To save the limb had to sew her ... to foot!
Chinese surgeons have carried out a unique operation. They managed to save the patient's amputated wrist, sew it to the leg. In this position, the brush was in for a month, and then it was returned to the place.
At one of the plants in the Chinese province of Hunan had an accident. The hand of a young worker named Joe got into the press, and he has torn off the brush. Colleagues stopped the car, put the severed limb on ice and took the poor man to a local hospital. However, the clinic said that sew the brush in place will not work, because it is very badly damaged forearm, which was shattered bones and severely damaged blood vessels.
Before you sew the severed wrist, it was necessary to heal the wounds of the forearm, or would have happened rejection limbs sewn. But for the healing of wounds required a whole month for which there would be death of tissue cut brush.
Then the victim is transferred to hospital in Changsha City, which is the capital of Hunan Province. The local microsurgery decided on a complex operation, and sewn to the Brush torn calf muscle of the patient. Thus, the arm is maintained in circulation, and it remained in a state suitable for transplantation.
Within a month, the hand remained sewn to the calf until healed damage forearm. Then, as a result of 10-hour operation, led by Dr. Tan Tszyuyu (Tang Juyu), the brush has been returned to the place. The patient can already move his fingers slightly, but still in front of him waiting for long-term rehabilitation to restore health brush.
is worth noting that this is not the first such surgery clinic in Changsha. In 2013, they were carried out a similar operation to rescue a torn wrist of another worker.
As you can see, medicine is developing more and more new height. And the doctors are able to create very real miracles! If you are not indifferent to this story, you will certainly share it with your friends.
At one of the plants in the Chinese province of Hunan had an accident. The hand of a young worker named Joe got into the press, and he has torn off the brush. Colleagues stopped the car, put the severed limb on ice and took the poor man to a local hospital. However, the clinic said that sew the brush in place will not work, because it is very badly damaged forearm, which was shattered bones and severely damaged blood vessels.
Before you sew the severed wrist, it was necessary to heal the wounds of the forearm, or would have happened rejection limbs sewn. But for the healing of wounds required a whole month for which there would be death of tissue cut brush.
Then the victim is transferred to hospital in Changsha City, which is the capital of Hunan Province. The local microsurgery decided on a complex operation, and sewn to the Brush torn calf muscle of the patient. Thus, the arm is maintained in circulation, and it remained in a state suitable for transplantation.
Within a month, the hand remained sewn to the calf until healed damage forearm. Then, as a result of 10-hour operation, led by Dr. Tan Tszyuyu (Tang Juyu), the brush has been returned to the place. The patient can already move his fingers slightly, but still in front of him waiting for long-term rehabilitation to restore health brush.

is worth noting that this is not the first such surgery clinic in Changsha. In 2013, they were carried out a similar operation to rescue a torn wrist of another worker.
As you can see, medicine is developing more and more new height. And the doctors are able to create very real miracles! If you are not indifferent to this story, you will certainly share it with your friends.
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