For the first time in 20 years, scientists have been able to capture it. Cute animal could soon disappear forever ...
Get ready for the fact that at the same time to fall in love and stay with a broken heart nothing. And if anything, remember that we warned you! This sweet creature of which you probably never heard of, is a very rare and endangered species - Ili pika. Researchers estimate that in recent years in his native China, their number decreased by 1 000 individuals. And for the first time in the last 20 years, photographers still managed to capture this wonderful animal.
This rare species was discovered in 1983 in the mountains of Tien Shan in Northwest China. Since then its population has decreased by as much as 70%. Ili pika, like whether to bear, or a rabbit, belongs to the family pischuhovyh zaytseoobraznyh squad. Scientists have virtually nothing about them do not know.
Li Weidong - environmentalists who have discovered this kind, says: «I discovered this kind and I both had to witness their gradual disappearance. In my eyes, these wonderful creatures are dying, and, be honest, I feel, even to some extent in this guilt ». I> the unusual appearance Weidong gave this kind of informal name -" Magic Rabbit ". Soul torn apart by the fact that due to global warming, these animals could disappear forever from the face of the Earth ...
This is the first Ili pika, which managed to take a picture of the past 20 years.
It is even nicknamed "magic rabbit».
This tiny mammal lives in the mountains of Tien Shan and because of melting glaciers forced to rise higher. Also, these little creatures are not able to issue any sound, leaving them unable to inform his relatives about the approaching predator. B>
Li Weidong - pioneer species Ili pika.
When I first saw a picture of this wonderful animal, I had thought it was a toy. But nature is so rich that it is not meet. It is a pity that soon this lovely creature could disappear forever ... Take care of nature and to share information about this marvelous family pischuhovyh being with your friends.
This rare species was discovered in 1983 in the mountains of Tien Shan in Northwest China. Since then its population has decreased by as much as 70%. Ili pika, like whether to bear, or a rabbit, belongs to the family pischuhovyh zaytseoobraznyh squad. Scientists have virtually nothing about them do not know.
Li Weidong - environmentalists who have discovered this kind, says: «I discovered this kind and I both had to witness their gradual disappearance. In my eyes, these wonderful creatures are dying, and, be honest, I feel, even to some extent in this guilt ». I> the unusual appearance Weidong gave this kind of informal name -" Magic Rabbit ". Soul torn apart by the fact that due to global warming, these animals could disappear forever from the face of the Earth ...
This is the first Ili pika, which managed to take a picture of the past 20 years.
It is even nicknamed "magic rabbit».
This tiny mammal lives in the mountains of Tien Shan and because of melting glaciers forced to rise higher. Also, these little creatures are not able to issue any sound, leaving them unable to inform his relatives about the approaching predator. B>
Li Weidong - pioneer species Ili pika.
When I first saw a picture of this wonderful animal, I had thought it was a toy. But nature is so rich that it is not meet. It is a pity that soon this lovely creature could disappear forever ... Take care of nature and to share information about this marvelous family pischuhovyh being with your friends.
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