10 brilliant tips from Vadim Zeland. Teaching that has helped millions to change their destiny.
Do you think that everything that happens in your life, has long been a foregone conclusion heaven and you can not affect it? The well-known author of the theory Transurfing reality Vadim Zeland believes that such thoughts - the main human error. In his book of the same name "Transurfing reality", which is in great demand among readers for 11 years, it is literally on the fingers explains how to see the world from a completely different side and become the master of their own destiny in the truest sense of the word. This mysterious, even a semi-mystical genius who leads a hidden life, and does not like to be on the people who managed to spread out on the shelves the wisdom that humankind has sought for millennia. By the way, no one fully knows what is hidden under this mysterious pseudonym: rumor has it that the name Zeland creates more than one person.
All the troubles of modern humans, according to Vadim Zealand, lies in the fact that they no longer operate and replicate, "pictures of reality" than to create something new. But at all times the real success in life can be achieved only rulers and creators, not consumers. Esoteric teachings Zeland shows that world events occur in an infinite number of spaces at the same time. Scientists believe that the power of any person to paint his "projection", which will be broadcast live his life. This means that a "ribbon" is spinning in your head, a "movie" and you get in reality. Maybe you are now grinning with the fact that it is impossible. Read these ten interesting tips on Vadim Zealand: perhaps they will help you look at your life differently.
1. In your reality you have a movie that turns in your "projector." What will draw, then you will see. The only problem is that people do the opposite: they see it and draw. You see the difference?
2. The miracle will happen only if you break the stereotype and you will not think about the means to achieve, but about the very purpose.
3. If you sometimes think that you are "not of this world" or with the world "something wrong", then you have little or awake - wonderful.
4. If you have stubbornly and inexorably going to turn your movie in the mind and walk to the goal a reality sooner or later come into compliance with it. Reality simply have nowhere to go - this is her property. Not only you depend on reality, but it is up to you. The question is, who has the initiative.
5. You should not clear, so it is - to give up on his life. You should not think that it was a failure. Neither the age at which it is impossible to think so. In this life, all is not in vain. And everything is just beginning - at any time, under any conditions or circumstances.
6. Learn baldet from bad weather, queuing, congestion, problems of any negativity. Such is the kind of masochism gradually clear the sky over your world. You should only think over what benefits will result to you or that unfortunate circumstance. And so be it - he will be convinced that repeatedly.
7. When you just want to stop and you will going to be, then you get this.
8. The most difficult thing - to be able to wait, while keeping calm master the situation. It is necessary to stand the test of a pause, during which nothing happens.
9. Showing resentment anything or abusing anyone - government, public officials, players, weather, colleagues, neighbors, relatives, not to mention the children - you transliruesh unsightly in a mirror image of the world and get a proper reflection of reality.
10. Allow yourself to be yourself - is to accept yourself with all your imperfections. Let others be others - then take off his projection of his expectations. As a result, a situation where one wants something the other does not accept, mysteriously resolve itself.
Use these teachings or not - the choice is yours. You can find this complete nonsense and ignoring this information. And you can try to put these tips into practice right now and see what happens. By the way, tens of thousands of people admit that, thanks to the principles Transurfing their lives in some unknown way my eyes. Remember, people - this is what he believes.
Share this interesting doctrine with their friends. Who knows, maybe for some of them, this post will be a turning point in his life.
via ofigenno ru
All the troubles of modern humans, according to Vadim Zealand, lies in the fact that they no longer operate and replicate, "pictures of reality" than to create something new. But at all times the real success in life can be achieved only rulers and creators, not consumers. Esoteric teachings Zeland shows that world events occur in an infinite number of spaces at the same time. Scientists believe that the power of any person to paint his "projection", which will be broadcast live his life. This means that a "ribbon" is spinning in your head, a "movie" and you get in reality. Maybe you are now grinning with the fact that it is impossible. Read these ten interesting tips on Vadim Zealand: perhaps they will help you look at your life differently.

1. In your reality you have a movie that turns in your "projector." What will draw, then you will see. The only problem is that people do the opposite: they see it and draw. You see the difference?
2. The miracle will happen only if you break the stereotype and you will not think about the means to achieve, but about the very purpose.
3. If you sometimes think that you are "not of this world" or with the world "something wrong", then you have little or awake - wonderful.
4. If you have stubbornly and inexorably going to turn your movie in the mind and walk to the goal a reality sooner or later come into compliance with it. Reality simply have nowhere to go - this is her property. Not only you depend on reality, but it is up to you. The question is, who has the initiative.
5. You should not clear, so it is - to give up on his life. You should not think that it was a failure. Neither the age at which it is impossible to think so. In this life, all is not in vain. And everything is just beginning - at any time, under any conditions or circumstances.
6. Learn baldet from bad weather, queuing, congestion, problems of any negativity. Such is the kind of masochism gradually clear the sky over your world. You should only think over what benefits will result to you or that unfortunate circumstance. And so be it - he will be convinced that repeatedly.
7. When you just want to stop and you will going to be, then you get this.
8. The most difficult thing - to be able to wait, while keeping calm master the situation. It is necessary to stand the test of a pause, during which nothing happens.
9. Showing resentment anything or abusing anyone - government, public officials, players, weather, colleagues, neighbors, relatives, not to mention the children - you transliruesh unsightly in a mirror image of the world and get a proper reflection of reality.
10. Allow yourself to be yourself - is to accept yourself with all your imperfections. Let others be others - then take off his projection of his expectations. As a result, a situation where one wants something the other does not accept, mysteriously resolve itself.
Use these teachings or not - the choice is yours. You can find this complete nonsense and ignoring this information. And you can try to put these tips into practice right now and see what happens. By the way, tens of thousands of people admit that, thanks to the principles Transurfing their lives in some unknown way my eyes. Remember, people - this is what he believes.
Share this interesting doctrine with their friends. Who knows, maybe for some of them, this post will be a turning point in his life.
via ofigenno ru
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