Incredible objects that have been found on Earth. Oh, and they planted a scientist working ...
Our planet - a unique place, full of mysteries and secrets. Even in an age when humanity is in full plows space open spaces, has learned to split the atom and create exact copies of their kind on the earth still remains a lot of unsolved phenomena. Today the team of entertainment resource Ofigenno.cc will tell you about the findings, which had long baffled the best-known researchers in the world. How many in the world still unknown!
The mystery of giant flightless birds
Moa - flightless flightless birds, which reached gigantic proportions and became extinct about 500 years ago. The real discovery was found by archaeologists in 1986 in a cave in the mountains of New Zealand Owen ossified feet of this bird. Surprisingly claw is preserved so well, as if the bird was alive yesterday, and in fact an instance is already 3000 years old! The cause of the extinction of the ancient large birds (which are up to three meters in height and weighed a quarter ton!) Still have not managed to find out. Some scientists believe that they have been destroyed by the natives of New Zealand. Others insist that the blame for climate change. We remind you that the closest modern relative of the moa birds are tinamou. Interest in existence in the world is not so unusual feathered goes so far. For example, recently, scientists have found that females in the populations of the moa was five times more than males, which may indicate a kind of bird matriarchy. In 2009, scientists have restored the color of giant "females" with the help of DNA analysis. Olive-brown plumage of these birds has helped to mask in the woods. By the way, back in 1959 the whole world has stirred a sensation: the pilots of the aircraft allegedly managed to take a picture of the living moa. However, it was nothing more than a duck.
The Voynich Manuscript - the voice of the Middle Ages or a clever fake?
Voynich manuscript - is a mystery until now and have a lot of time not giving sleeping most eminent cryptologists world. When in 2014, two groups of scientists have stated publicly that they found the key to deciphering the marvelous text, it seemed that the trick is done. However, the researchers came to completely different conclusions: some of them believe that this message is rooted in Asian languages, while others think that it is one of the extinct Mexican dialects. This manuscript is named after Wilfrid Voynich (husband of the famous writer Ethel Voynich), which bought it in 1912 by the Jesuits. Then a few pages folio he photographed and posted on the transcript, but all attempts of scientists to unravel the text proved futile. What can I say, even if the cryptology number one William Newburn, could not find the key to understand the text outlandish. Published in 1921 the results of his research, he admitted that he used dubious methods that are based on assumptions and hypotheses.
According to the discoveries Newburn, the text contains a description of the structure of internal organs, cells, sperm, and the eclipse of the Sun and the structure of the Andromeda nebula. Following these dramatic statements were even organized secret "society Voynich", which is engaged in deciphering the codex for more than 90 years. Which is not only the theory put forward by researchers regarding this tome! Some scientists believe that it is - a chaotic set of graphical symbols. There were even advanced the theory that the book was created on the basis of the Ukrainian language (!). It is also speculated that the test is written on the basis not of the living and the artificial, so-called "philosophical" language. Sure, the lion's share of researchers believe that the manuscript - a clever fake. Many even claim that this very Voynich fabricated relic. In any case, the manuscript looks like a particular book illustrations with detailed explanations to them. Its text has not yet been able to decipher the scientists. Also, experts were able to identify only 37 of the 303 plants placed in the book, 6 animals and 1 mineral. What conceals this mysterious book in an incomprehensible language, still ostetsya white spot in science.
Who knows, perhaps it is you are lucky enough to figure out what's hidden in the mystical manuscript or capture living moa. Life presents us with surprises every day of the past, and scientists, apparently, there will always be examined. Be sure to share this post with those who love puzzles and hoaxes.
via ofigenno ru
The mystery of giant flightless birds
Moa - flightless flightless birds, which reached gigantic proportions and became extinct about 500 years ago. The real discovery was found by archaeologists in 1986 in a cave in the mountains of New Zealand Owen ossified feet of this bird. Surprisingly claw is preserved so well, as if the bird was alive yesterday, and in fact an instance is already 3000 years old! The cause of the extinction of the ancient large birds (which are up to three meters in height and weighed a quarter ton!) Still have not managed to find out. Some scientists believe that they have been destroyed by the natives of New Zealand. Others insist that the blame for climate change. We remind you that the closest modern relative of the moa birds are tinamou. Interest in existence in the world is not so unusual feathered goes so far. For example, recently, scientists have found that females in the populations of the moa was five times more than males, which may indicate a kind of bird matriarchy. In 2009, scientists have restored the color of giant "females" with the help of DNA analysis. Olive-brown plumage of these birds has helped to mask in the woods. By the way, back in 1959 the whole world has stirred a sensation: the pilots of the aircraft allegedly managed to take a picture of the living moa. However, it was nothing more than a duck.

The Voynich Manuscript - the voice of the Middle Ages or a clever fake?
Voynich manuscript - is a mystery until now and have a lot of time not giving sleeping most eminent cryptologists world. When in 2014, two groups of scientists have stated publicly that they found the key to deciphering the marvelous text, it seemed that the trick is done. However, the researchers came to completely different conclusions: some of them believe that this message is rooted in Asian languages, while others think that it is one of the extinct Mexican dialects. This manuscript is named after Wilfrid Voynich (husband of the famous writer Ethel Voynich), which bought it in 1912 by the Jesuits. Then a few pages folio he photographed and posted on the transcript, but all attempts of scientists to unravel the text proved futile. What can I say, even if the cryptology number one William Newburn, could not find the key to understand the text outlandish. Published in 1921 the results of his research, he admitted that he used dubious methods that are based on assumptions and hypotheses.

According to the discoveries Newburn, the text contains a description of the structure of internal organs, cells, sperm, and the eclipse of the Sun and the structure of the Andromeda nebula. Following these dramatic statements were even organized secret "society Voynich", which is engaged in deciphering the codex for more than 90 years. Which is not only the theory put forward by researchers regarding this tome! Some scientists believe that it is - a chaotic set of graphical symbols. There were even advanced the theory that the book was created on the basis of the Ukrainian language (!). It is also speculated that the test is written on the basis not of the living and the artificial, so-called "philosophical" language. Sure, the lion's share of researchers believe that the manuscript - a clever fake. Many even claim that this very Voynich fabricated relic. In any case, the manuscript looks like a particular book illustrations with detailed explanations to them. Its text has not yet been able to decipher the scientists. Also, experts were able to identify only 37 of the 303 plants placed in the book, 6 animals and 1 mineral. What conceals this mysterious book in an incomprehensible language, still ostetsya white spot in science.

Who knows, perhaps it is you are lucky enough to figure out what's hidden in the mystical manuscript or capture living moa. Life presents us with surprises every day of the past, and scientists, apparently, there will always be examined. Be sure to share this post with those who love puzzles and hoaxes.
via ofigenno ru
This guy is totally not what it seems ... So far, I can not deviate from what he saw!
20 pictures, after which you refuse to believe their eyes.