He laughs best who laughs last. 20 cards, from which breathes and sarcasm.
If a higher power sent you some trials in life in the form of low wages, the price of space in stores, corruption, bad weather, crooked politicians, the head-fool, unruly children, they just know that you suffer all this. After all, in your arsenal is always a valuable weapon - sarcasm. Nowadays, light humor and irony do not help: in the harsh world must be able to be a little cynical and self-critical. Ability good joke, as a rule, save any, even the most difficult circumstances.
Today, the team Ofigenno.cc has collected for you in one post cards 20 excellent, great seasoned with sarcasm. We strongly believe in what they will pick you up and make you realize that there are problems at all. But only a select few know how to love it, and even laugh at adversity.
After reading these cards, you probably realized that our life consists of little things. Do not burden yourself with worries and remember that a rainbow can only appear after a rain. Like the subtle sarcasm of these awesome postcards? Then it's time to share them with a friend, he will certainly appreciate them too.
via ofigenno ru
Today, the team Ofigenno.cc has collected for you in one post cards 20 excellent, great seasoned with sarcasm. We strongly believe in what they will pick you up and make you realize that there are problems at all. But only a select few know how to love it, and even laugh at adversity.

After reading these cards, you probably realized that our life consists of little things. Do not burden yourself with worries and remember that a rainbow can only appear after a rain. Like the subtle sarcasm of these awesome postcards? Then it's time to share them with a friend, he will certainly appreciate them too.
via ofigenno ru
No, this is not the frame of the movie is a fantasy ... Soon everyone will be rich dubaytsa!
Creativity through the roof! 25 crazy things that can be found only in Japan.