25 postcards with unpredictable ending
Finish the sentence, so that it was both witty and unexpectedly - not an easy task. However, it is such jokes are most beloved, because they are able not only to amuse us but amaze.
Website gathered for its readers a collection of the most unpredictable cards.
See more postcards:
25 smart cards
25 postcards about real feelings
25 postcards existential
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-ekzistencialnyh-atkrytok-780460/
Website gathered for its readers a collection of the most unpredictable cards.

See more postcards:
25 smart cards
25 postcards about real feelings
25 postcards existential
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-ekzistencialnyh-atkrytok-780460/