30 postcards about how everything is actually
They say that life is not as simple as it sounds - it is much easier. And if you look at it with humor, it will be much easier to cope with most everyday tedious detail.
Website assembled a collection of postcards truthful about our lives.
Even more cards:
30 postcards cynical
25 postcards with wordplay
30 sarcastic "atkrytok»
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/sarkastichnye-atkrytki-749860/
Website assembled a collection of postcards truthful about our lives.

Even more cards:
30 postcards cynical
25 postcards with wordplay
30 sarcastic "atkrytok»
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/sarkastichnye-atkrytki-749860/