25 postcards with a play on words
Often the element of surprise in the joke is based on a combination of words and new meanings that emerge due to this combination.
Website with a special philological fondly refers to such displays of humor, so we put together for you postcards filled disambiguation verbal innuendo and other pleasures.
See more postcards:
30 sarcastic postcards
30 hopelessly optimistic "atkrytok»
25 "atkrytok" with unpredictable ending
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-atkrytok-s-nepredskazuemym-finalom-795210/
Website with a special philological fondly refers to such displays of humor, so we put together for you postcards filled disambiguation verbal innuendo and other pleasures.

See more postcards:
30 sarcastic postcards
30 hopelessly optimistic "atkrytok»
25 "atkrytok" with unpredictable ending
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-atkrytok-s-nepredskazuemym-finalom-795210/
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