No, this is not the frame of the movie is a fantasy ... Soon everyone will be rich dubaytsa!
I think you will not deny the simple fact that money can work wonders. How would it be absurd sounds, but you must agree, without money is sometimes difficult to carry out even those things that for them, in general, will not buy.
It's no secret that in the past, naked and desolate desert - Dubai - is today one of the richest and most prosperous parts of the world. This godforsaken place over several years of empty sandy kingdom turned into a true asphalt jungle. And all because of what? Of course, thanks to the money! Here, the money - to burn. It is worth to pay tribute, and noted that dubaytsy not just swimming in cash and sit idly by. They now make investment in the future of their city.
For example, recently the residents of UAE came to mind is truly ambitious project. Dubaytsy without thinking twice decided to host a real oasis of water and gorgeous underwater to build villas. It's not a cottage on hutorke rhyme or reason!
Magnificent residential complex of the future will consist of 42 villas drifting.
Each villa - three floors, one of which will be literally under water.
The upper floor is equipped mini-shower, Jacuzzi, minibar, and even a kitchenette. It offers a beautiful view of the starry sky. Great place to relax! B>
The middle floor - a place for the living space.
On the ground floor there is a bedroom and bathroom.
Scuba room will have a clear picture windows and accordingly personal aquarium. Apogee dreams! B>
Dubaytsy plan to realize his grand project by 2016, which would require enormous effort and material resources.
It seems that today the baton of world leadership, the Japanese slowly take over the United Arab Emirates. Do not blink of an eye, they come up with something new and unprecedented. Be sure to tell us about this great project to your friends.
via ofigenno ru
It's no secret that in the past, naked and desolate desert - Dubai - is today one of the richest and most prosperous parts of the world. This godforsaken place over several years of empty sandy kingdom turned into a true asphalt jungle. And all because of what? Of course, thanks to the money! Here, the money - to burn. It is worth to pay tribute, and noted that dubaytsy not just swimming in cash and sit idly by. They now make investment in the future of their city.
For example, recently the residents of UAE came to mind is truly ambitious project. Dubaytsy without thinking twice decided to host a real oasis of water and gorgeous underwater to build villas. It's not a cottage on hutorke rhyme or reason!
Magnificent residential complex of the future will consist of 42 villas drifting.

Each villa - three floors, one of which will be literally under water.

The upper floor is equipped mini-shower, Jacuzzi, minibar, and even a kitchenette. It offers a beautiful view of the starry sky. Great place to relax! B>
The middle floor - a place for the living space.

On the ground floor there is a bedroom and bathroom.
Scuba room will have a clear picture windows and accordingly personal aquarium. Apogee dreams! B>

Dubaytsy plan to realize his grand project by 2016, which would require enormous effort and material resources.

It seems that today the baton of world leadership, the Japanese slowly take over the United Arab Emirates. Do not blink of an eye, they come up with something new and unprecedented. Be sure to tell us about this great project to your friends.
via ofigenno ru
25 amazing facts that you hardly heard about Switzerland. This country has with the surprises!
He laughs best who laughs last. 20 cards, from which breathes and sarcasm.