25 amazing facts that you hardly heard about Switzerland. This country has with the surprises!
What draws your imagination when you remember about Switzerland? Surely unsurpassed Alpes grazed best cows (usually purple in white specks) that give excellent milk used to make the world's most delicate chocolate. Joking aside, we really know very little about this country. Yes, its flag with a white cross on a red background can be easily found among the other flags. Of course, all still at school know that Switzerland - a country that adheres to neutrality. This is, perhaps, and all. Today Ofigenno.cc has prepared for you an excellent article with 25 facts about Switzerland, who can plunge you into shock. Incidentally, it is accepted by some of the most liberal laws on weapons in the world (that's you and neutrality). And yet, in these parts is not only the mountains, but even the palm trees! Here's a she paradoxical, this Switzerland. Read 25 crazy facts about this country, about which you hardly ever heard.
1. Swiss Fines for speeding depend on the income of a citizen. For example, one resident, who was riding in the "Ferrari", was fined for speeding in the quarter of a million dollars, because his annual income was about one million dollars. B>
2. Ever wonder why the domain name in Switzerland - .ch? The fact is that the Latin name of this country sounds like Confoederatio Helvetica. B>
3. Every year in Bern produced 7 million bars of chocolate Toblerone. B>
4. Here, some of the highest salaries in the world. So in 2010 the average salary of teachers was 120 000 dollars! B>
5. Do you think that the Swiss - are those still pacifists? So, you'll know that military service is obligatory and starts at 18 years. By the way, all Swiss keep weapons at home in case of war. B>
6. Strange monuments - is also not uncommon in Switzerland. In Bern there is a statue of a man eats babies. He is here for more than 500 years, and nobody really knows its purpose or history. B>
7. The soldiers of the Swiss army - not a miss. They are prepared to undermine each pass and tunnel in the mountains in case of a military alert. B>
8. Finally we found a country where there is no single ruler. Instead, Switzerland has 7 members of the council, who perform functions of the head of state. B>
9. And in Switzerland, there is no capital. Bern is it de facto. B>
10. And once again about the unusual monuments. For example, in Geneva, is a monument to a chair on three legs. It symbolizes a stand against the use of antipersonnel mines. B>
11. In 1802, the Swiss took part in the war. The most insane: they were armed only with sticks, because the soldiers of Napoleon's army took their weapons. B>
12. The only part of the legendary Swiss knife, which is made not in Switzerland - it's a corkscrew. It is made in Japan. B>
13. The most populated villages are located bunkers, cleverly disguised as rustic cabins. As you can see, with the Swiss trifled with. B>
14. Switzerland has taken some of the most liberal laws on weapons - 8 million people account for about 2-4 mln barrels. It is called, still waters run deep. B>
15. In this country, one of the lowest crime rates in the world. B>
16. Foreign nationals residing in Switzerland and account for approximately 23% of the total population. In other words, approximately 2 million people in Switzerland are not indigenous people. B>
17. Switzerland is not only the mountains, but also palm trees. A kind of "Rio de Janeiro of the Old World" is located in the south of the country near Lake Lugano. This resort enjoys unprecedented popularity, not only among the inhabitants of the country, but also among foreign tourists. B>
18. There needs to be a true polyglot. In Switzerland, as many as four national languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh. B>
19. According to the index of living standards, Switzerland is the best place where to be born. In calculating the index takes into account employment, crime rate, quality of life, health system, the level of life satisfaction and other indicators. B>
20. It is a real mountain kingdom. There are 208 mountains higher than 3000 meters and 24 mountains higher than 4000 meters. B>
21. Stereotypes are true: Chocolate is the largest export commodity in Switzerland. B>
22. In the event of a nuclear war, the Swiss built bunkers, which can hide the entire population of the country. B>
23. Also in the event of war, they can easily turn their road to the runway, removing interchanges and intersections. B>
24. It belongs to the idea of a Swiss "chocolate gold». B>
25. Switzerland - the world's only country with direct democracy. In theory, any citizen can call into question any law and to make changes to the constitution. B>
That turned out to be such an unpredictable Switzerland. By the way, here's another interesting effect the law: to throw a Christmas tree can only be on a particular day in early January. Otherwise you will have to pay a huge fine! Come to think stereotypically, the world has a lot of interesting things that you are neither sleep nor spirit. So Explore the world with us! In the meantime, tell me about these amazing facts of your friends, let them, too, Switzerland is not only associated with mountains, neutrality and chocolate.
via ofigenno ru
1. Swiss Fines for speeding depend on the income of a citizen. For example, one resident, who was riding in the "Ferrari", was fined for speeding in the quarter of a million dollars, because his annual income was about one million dollars. B>

2. Ever wonder why the domain name in Switzerland - .ch? The fact is that the Latin name of this country sounds like Confoederatio Helvetica. B>

3. Every year in Bern produced 7 million bars of chocolate Toblerone. B>

4. Here, some of the highest salaries in the world. So in 2010 the average salary of teachers was 120 000 dollars! B>

5. Do you think that the Swiss - are those still pacifists? So, you'll know that military service is obligatory and starts at 18 years. By the way, all Swiss keep weapons at home in case of war. B>

6. Strange monuments - is also not uncommon in Switzerland. In Bern there is a statue of a man eats babies. He is here for more than 500 years, and nobody really knows its purpose or history. B>

7. The soldiers of the Swiss army - not a miss. They are prepared to undermine each pass and tunnel in the mountains in case of a military alert. B>

8. Finally we found a country where there is no single ruler. Instead, Switzerland has 7 members of the council, who perform functions of the head of state. B>

9. And in Switzerland, there is no capital. Bern is it de facto. B>

10. And once again about the unusual monuments. For example, in Geneva, is a monument to a chair on three legs. It symbolizes a stand against the use of antipersonnel mines. B>

11. In 1802, the Swiss took part in the war. The most insane: they were armed only with sticks, because the soldiers of Napoleon's army took their weapons. B>

12. The only part of the legendary Swiss knife, which is made not in Switzerland - it's a corkscrew. It is made in Japan. B>

13. The most populated villages are located bunkers, cleverly disguised as rustic cabins. As you can see, with the Swiss trifled with. B>

14. Switzerland has taken some of the most liberal laws on weapons - 8 million people account for about 2-4 mln barrels. It is called, still waters run deep. B>

15. In this country, one of the lowest crime rates in the world. B>

16. Foreign nationals residing in Switzerland and account for approximately 23% of the total population. In other words, approximately 2 million people in Switzerland are not indigenous people. B>

17. Switzerland is not only the mountains, but also palm trees. A kind of "Rio de Janeiro of the Old World" is located in the south of the country near Lake Lugano. This resort enjoys unprecedented popularity, not only among the inhabitants of the country, but also among foreign tourists. B>

18. There needs to be a true polyglot. In Switzerland, as many as four national languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh. B>

19. According to the index of living standards, Switzerland is the best place where to be born. In calculating the index takes into account employment, crime rate, quality of life, health system, the level of life satisfaction and other indicators. B>

20. It is a real mountain kingdom. There are 208 mountains higher than 3000 meters and 24 mountains higher than 4000 meters. B>

21. Stereotypes are true: Chocolate is the largest export commodity in Switzerland. B>

22. In the event of a nuclear war, the Swiss built bunkers, which can hide the entire population of the country. B>

23. Also in the event of war, they can easily turn their road to the runway, removing interchanges and intersections. B>

24. It belongs to the idea of a Swiss "chocolate gold». B>

25. Switzerland - the world's only country with direct democracy. In theory, any citizen can call into question any law and to make changes to the constitution. B>

That turned out to be such an unpredictable Switzerland. By the way, here's another interesting effect the law: to throw a Christmas tree can only be on a particular day in early January. Otherwise you will have to pay a huge fine! Come to think stereotypically, the world has a lot of interesting things that you are neither sleep nor spirit. So Explore the world with us! In the meantime, tell me about these amazing facts of your friends, let them, too, Switzerland is not only associated with mountains, neutrality and chocolate.
via ofigenno ru
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