This country does not cease to shock! China for 2 years produced more cement than the United States for 100 years ...
Chinese State Statistical Bureau has provided public official data showing that for 2014 the country's cement industry has made 2 billion 476 million tons of cement. To sum up all of its production in the last two years, you get a number close to 5 billion tons. Comparing these figures with those that gives the US cement industry, we can see that the latter remain far behind China. During the period from 1901 to 2000, America has produced, according to official figures USGS Cement Statistic, 4, 5 billion tons of cement. The last few years, the United States produces about 80 million tons of cement per year. This figure is thirty times smaller than that of the Republic of China! In Russia, the annual cement production is about 65 million tonnes.
question arises: so what the Chinese are spending such a huge amount of cement? We have the answer. It is worth seeing!
1. Roads
One of the sectors that consume the most concrete in China, is the construction of roads. According to recent data, only the construction of highways is about 10 000 km per year. The road system in China is the largest in the world today. And this despite the fact that before 1987, China was not a single meter of highways!
2. Bridges
China's first bridge was built only in 1957. And to date, only 80 bridges built to connect the coast of the Yangtze River, and just in China already operates about 300 thousand bridges. Of these, one thousand - more than one kilometer long. Ten Chinese bridges are world champions in different categories. The Chinese also practice the construction of copies world-famous bridges, such as Alexander III bridge in Paris or London's famous Tower Bridge.
3. Airports
The aviation industry of China is developing the giant leaps. According to the policy of the government in each, even a small area should have its own airport. If we believe the plans for the construction, by 2030 the number of airports in China should grow from the current 399 to 2 000. Impressive, is not it? Each year, the Chinese are building about 100 air ports!
4. Railroad
Even more delight and amaze the Chinese railway lines and stations. The Republic of China has made a huge leap in the growth of the railways in the past 10 years. To date, it has the world's largest network of high-speed and high-speed railways in the world, far ahead of Japan and Europe.
5. Housing
In recent years, China's urbanization has reached unprecedented proportions. In Chinese cities for one person now accounts for about 32 m² living space, which is pretty good compared to 4 meters in 1980. In this respect, they have already overtaken Russia (24 m² per person), but still lag behind the US (65 m²). Over the past two decades, some cities have changed beyond recognition. To date, the Chinese cities lived 520 million inhabitants, and in small towns only 20 thousand. In addition to the already large number of projects under construction, more projects are ready, approved and waiting for their turn. The forecasts say that by 2025 China will have more than 220 cities and in each of them will live more than a million people! A 5 mega-cities are planning to settle for 5 million people. Plans for the Chinese is so ambitious that it is difficult to imagine how it will look the Republic of China in 10 years.
If we take into account everything that a great number of bridges, roads, railways, airports, railway stations and various kinds, of course, residential buildings, it becomes clear why China produces much cement. Their ambitious plans require even more spectacular pictures in a few years.
As they say, wait - we shall see, but in the meantime share with your friends amazing views of contemporary China.
via ofigenno ru

question arises: so what the Chinese are spending such a huge amount of cement? We have the answer. It is worth seeing!
1. Roads
One of the sectors that consume the most concrete in China, is the construction of roads. According to recent data, only the construction of highways is about 10 000 km per year. The road system in China is the largest in the world today. And this despite the fact that before 1987, China was not a single meter of highways!

2. Bridges
China's first bridge was built only in 1957. And to date, only 80 bridges built to connect the coast of the Yangtze River, and just in China already operates about 300 thousand bridges. Of these, one thousand - more than one kilometer long. Ten Chinese bridges are world champions in different categories. The Chinese also practice the construction of copies world-famous bridges, such as Alexander III bridge in Paris or London's famous Tower Bridge.

3. Airports
The aviation industry of China is developing the giant leaps. According to the policy of the government in each, even a small area should have its own airport. If we believe the plans for the construction, by 2030 the number of airports in China should grow from the current 399 to 2 000. Impressive, is not it? Each year, the Chinese are building about 100 air ports!

4. Railroad
Even more delight and amaze the Chinese railway lines and stations. The Republic of China has made a huge leap in the growth of the railways in the past 10 years. To date, it has the world's largest network of high-speed and high-speed railways in the world, far ahead of Japan and Europe.

5. Housing
In recent years, China's urbanization has reached unprecedented proportions. In Chinese cities for one person now accounts for about 32 m² living space, which is pretty good compared to 4 meters in 1980. In this respect, they have already overtaken Russia (24 m² per person), but still lag behind the US (65 m²). Over the past two decades, some cities have changed beyond recognition. To date, the Chinese cities lived 520 million inhabitants, and in small towns only 20 thousand. In addition to the already large number of projects under construction, more projects are ready, approved and waiting for their turn. The forecasts say that by 2025 China will have more than 220 cities and in each of them will live more than a million people! A 5 mega-cities are planning to settle for 5 million people. Plans for the Chinese is so ambitious that it is difficult to imagine how it will look the Republic of China in 10 years.

If we take into account everything that a great number of bridges, roads, railways, airports, railway stations and various kinds, of course, residential buildings, it becomes clear why China produces much cement. Their ambitious plans require even more spectacular pictures in a few years.
As they say, wait - we shall see, but in the meantime share with your friends amazing views of contemporary China.
via ofigenno ru
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