8 brilliant movie that will expand your mind! After them, the world would be completely different ...
These films are unlikely to show in the theater. On television, they, too, you probably will not see. They do not reveal the innermost secrets of the universe, do not tear the veils with a shocking secret, do not tell of something supernatural. Looking from an unexpected side to the already familiar facts - that in the majority, they will offer you. However, this is more than enough to completely rethink certain global events! These films give you an incentive to reflect on his life and the events of the world and draw their own conclusions. Who knows, maybe it is because of this, many of them are banned in different countries ?!
1. "I and others" (USSR, 1971)
This educational film shows the results of a number of socio-psychological experiments. After that you will understand how easy it really is to convince the person that black is really white and salty - sweet. It becomes scary when you see with your own eyes, as the opinion of the person in the second bend under the weight of the pressure of the crowd.
2. "Victor A. Efimov. Lecture at the FSB "(St. Petersburg, 2003)
Here you'll get two o'clock selective conspiracy. The man is very intelligent, Efimov expounds his thoughts on the goals and objectives of the so-called "secret world government" and how you can work around the fate they set for the average person. Those who do not share his ideas, still find in this chapter a lot of interesting, informative and useful.
3. "Kursk. The submarine in troubled waters "(France, 2005)
French documentary film about one of the most secret of disasters in the history of Russia tacitly banned in Russia. Frightening version of French researchers says, in those days we were on the verge of World War III, and only hasty targeted actions officials did not allow this.
4. "Loose Change" (USA, 2005)
Journalistic investigation on the basis of the tragedy of 11 September 2001, the first version of which he was director, editor, and in fact the only maker Dylan Avery has prepared a home on your own computer. The incredible popularity of the film led to the release of a book rebuttal to it. I preface to the book he wrote himself, Senator McCain!
5. "The Secret" (USA / Australia, 2006)
This film is often recommended to his disciples various business coaches and gurus psychology. In the world it is deservedly called parascientific, and for good reason! If the principles proclaimed in the movie were completely true, then the authors, together with the authors of hundreds of similar books and films, would have gone bankrupt long ago. Nevertheless, robust grain in these principles are, and view the "secret" certainly will not hurt you!
6. "Nikola Tesla: Master of the World" (Russia, 2007)
Nikola Tesla is undoubtedly one of the greatest scientists who ever knew the world. He - the first in the list of the most invaluable during the life of the minds of mankind. Learn more about him, his ideas and discoveries you can out of it, though not without flaws, but, nevertheless, very amusing film.
7. "Zeitgeist" (USA, 2007)
Another part documentary, part - conspiracy film dedicated to the fall of the twin towers, "Zeitgeist" at the time managed to make much noise in the world. Author organically weaves into a single concept with respect to its version of a world government and a conspiracy on the organization of the terrible attacks of September 11, the resulting mixture seasoning criticism of religion in the first place - Christianity. The film caused a strong reaction of the press and numerous, often well-deserved, the critics. Should we view it? Definitely! But believe everything it says, do not rush.
8. "Home" (France, 2009)
This film - the fruit of fifteen years of work, during which for him are trying to restore the material. Sami shooting took one and a half years, during which the crew has visited 53 countries. And not all they were happy. For example, in Argentina, the director and his assistants have pleased even for a week in jail. Incredibly date, this film talks about the global ecological catastrophe, the arrival of which each of us is almost inevitable. The point of view of the author confirms local disaster, and the consequences of which are shown on the screen.
Not all of these films truthful. Some of them refuse to recognize the point of view different from the author. However, not all of the movies have one very important quality: they give us the ability to think, learn something new to look at the familiar facts differently and may have to change their attitude to some events, people and places. However, they are valuable. Share this Collection with your friends, and give them the opportunity to get food for the mind!
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1. "I and others" (USSR, 1971)

This educational film shows the results of a number of socio-psychological experiments. After that you will understand how easy it really is to convince the person that black is really white and salty - sweet. It becomes scary when you see with your own eyes, as the opinion of the person in the second bend under the weight of the pressure of the crowd.
2. "Victor A. Efimov. Lecture at the FSB "(St. Petersburg, 2003)

Here you'll get two o'clock selective conspiracy. The man is very intelligent, Efimov expounds his thoughts on the goals and objectives of the so-called "secret world government" and how you can work around the fate they set for the average person. Those who do not share his ideas, still find in this chapter a lot of interesting, informative and useful.
3. "Kursk. The submarine in troubled waters "(France, 2005)

French documentary film about one of the most secret of disasters in the history of Russia tacitly banned in Russia. Frightening version of French researchers says, in those days we were on the verge of World War III, and only hasty targeted actions officials did not allow this.
4. "Loose Change" (USA, 2005)

Journalistic investigation on the basis of the tragedy of 11 September 2001, the first version of which he was director, editor, and in fact the only maker Dylan Avery has prepared a home on your own computer. The incredible popularity of the film led to the release of a book rebuttal to it. I preface to the book he wrote himself, Senator McCain!
5. "The Secret" (USA / Australia, 2006)

This film is often recommended to his disciples various business coaches and gurus psychology. In the world it is deservedly called parascientific, and for good reason! If the principles proclaimed in the movie were completely true, then the authors, together with the authors of hundreds of similar books and films, would have gone bankrupt long ago. Nevertheless, robust grain in these principles are, and view the "secret" certainly will not hurt you!
6. "Nikola Tesla: Master of the World" (Russia, 2007)

Nikola Tesla is undoubtedly one of the greatest scientists who ever knew the world. He - the first in the list of the most invaluable during the life of the minds of mankind. Learn more about him, his ideas and discoveries you can out of it, though not without flaws, but, nevertheless, very amusing film.
7. "Zeitgeist" (USA, 2007)

Another part documentary, part - conspiracy film dedicated to the fall of the twin towers, "Zeitgeist" at the time managed to make much noise in the world. Author organically weaves into a single concept with respect to its version of a world government and a conspiracy on the organization of the terrible attacks of September 11, the resulting mixture seasoning criticism of religion in the first place - Christianity. The film caused a strong reaction of the press and numerous, often well-deserved, the critics. Should we view it? Definitely! But believe everything it says, do not rush.
8. "Home" (France, 2009)

This film - the fruit of fifteen years of work, during which for him are trying to restore the material. Sami shooting took one and a half years, during which the crew has visited 53 countries. And not all they were happy. For example, in Argentina, the director and his assistants have pleased even for a week in jail. Incredibly date, this film talks about the global ecological catastrophe, the arrival of which each of us is almost inevitable. The point of view of the author confirms local disaster, and the consequences of which are shown on the screen.
Not all of these films truthful. Some of them refuse to recognize the point of view different from the author. However, not all of the movies have one very important quality: they give us the ability to think, learn something new to look at the familiar facts differently and may have to change their attitude to some events, people and places. However, they are valuable. Share this Collection with your friends, and give them the opportunity to get food for the mind!
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My favorite dog the girl died a year ago. The fact that surveillance cameras recorded, threw her into shock!
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