19 surprising things we learned only through advertising.
Advertising was born simultaneously with the trade. The main initiators of the advertising business is considered a French doctor and a journalist Renaudot Theophrastus and an Englishman, William Taylor, whose firm Tayler & Newton, founded in 1786, acts as an intermediary between the advertiser and the printing house. However, if advertising did not yet have such a powerful weapon as commercials.
Remember the golden time when advertising done efficiently and on the conscience? We waited for her look, as well as the good old film. Catchy advertising slogans are short, we knew by heart and still if we have someone wake up at night and ask them to repeat, do not lose face. Have you ever thought about the general content of popular commercials? It's time to remember what we have learned through advertising!
2. It's time to create the bill nominal value of 99 rubles. B>
4. Be careful: in your freezer, too, can live a great dumpling saying. B>
6. Brain occasionally goes to the stomach for a visit. B>
8. All men with male health problems. B>
10. Immunity - it runs a hairball. B>
12. People often talk with margarine. B>
14. Met in a cafe with a cup of coffee, the woman immediately begin to discuss monthly and menopause. B>
16. It turns out that the liver has legs. B>
18. Beautiful girls always sink to the strange dude with smelly deodorant or a chewing gum. B>
Advertising will exist as long as people will buy and sell, that is, forever. I think your friend is still very close. Share them with this fun post.
via ofigenno ru
Remember the golden time when advertising done efficiently and on the conscience? We waited for her look, as well as the good old film. Catchy advertising slogans are short, we knew by heart and still if we have someone wake up at night and ask them to repeat, do not lose face. Have you ever thought about the general content of popular commercials? It's time to remember what we have learned through advertising!

2. It's time to create the bill nominal value of 99 rubles. B>

4. Be careful: in your freezer, too, can live a great dumpling saying. B>

6. Brain occasionally goes to the stomach for a visit. B>

8. All men with male health problems. B>

10. Immunity - it runs a hairball. B>

12. People often talk with margarine. B>

14. Met in a cafe with a cup of coffee, the woman immediately begin to discuss monthly and menopause. B>

16. It turns out that the liver has legs. B>

18. Beautiful girls always sink to the strange dude with smelly deodorant or a chewing gum. B>

Advertising will exist as long as people will buy and sell, that is, forever. I think your friend is still very close. Share them with this fun post.
via ofigenno ru
Writing about Lenin. Comedy nervously smoking
These guys instead of the account in the cafe brought the note. What happened next, deprived of speech ...