44 simple but incredibly profound question ... answer them, you will put everything in its place!
Every person at least once in a lifetime comes a turning point when he needed to be honest, without a share of lies, to answer himself to simple but very profound questions. All these issues have some trick, but the answers are prompt, where to go. Such questions should be answered without hesitation. There are no right or wrong answers.
Everything is simple, but incredibly effective. Check yourself!
1. Look at yourself and say, no matter how many years you have given yourself.
2. Fail or so never and not to try? Choose a worst-case scenario.
3. Why, if life is so fleeting, we force ourselves to do so many things that do not like, and so not only do we love?
4. Analyze the end of the day, what was more - empty talk about anything or affairs?
5. If you had the opportunity to change only one thing in your life, what would it be?
6. Imagine that happiness has become a world currency. What type of work would make you rich?
7. You are committed to what you believe, or try to believe in something, what do you do?
8. If human life lasted an average of 40 years, what would you change in your life to live it to the full?
9. How do you keep under control the current event in your life?
10. You went to dinner with friends. These people begin to unfairly criticize your close friend, not knowing that you are friends with him. How will you do?
11. If you could give to his younger brother, sister or own child only one piece of advice in your life, what would you advise?
12. Could you break the law to save a loved one?
13. What makes you different from other people?
14. Remember what you once dreamed of, but never did. Why are you waiting?
15. You hold on to what you it's time to let go?
16. If you were offered permanently move to another country, no matter where you went and why?
17. Whether there is what you nervously push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe that because the elevator will arrive faster?
18. Who would you like to be: a genius unhappy or happy fool?
19. Why are you - are you?
20. Would you like to the same friend as himself?
21. What's worse: if your best friend forever moved abroad or if he lived nearby, but you stopped talking?
22. What are you most thankful to the universe?
23. What do you choose: to erase all of your old memories, or not to accumulate new?
24. Is it possible to get at the truth without fighting?
25. Your greatest fear become a reality?
26. Do you remember when was upset about something five years ago? Now it has at least some value?
27. What is your happiest childhood memory?
28. What events of the past made you feel even for a moment, that you are alive?
29. If not now, then when will?
30. If you have not achieved something, you have nothing to lose, is not it?
31. You have been such that you spent with someone while in silence, and then I realized that it was the best conversation of your life?
32. Why is a religion that preaches love, was the cause of so many wars?
33. Is it possible to answer without hesitation, what is good and what is bad?
34. If you now put in front of a million dollars, would you quit your job?
35. Do you have the feeling that today have repeated hundreds of times before?
36. If everyone you know will die tomorrow, to whom you will come to visit today?
37. You would trade 10 years of his life in the world famous?
38. Is there a difference between life and existence? What?
39. If we learn from our mistakes, why we are so scared they do?
40. What would you do in my life differently, knowing that none of it is you do nothing?
41. When was the last time you heard the sound of your own heartbeat?
42. What are you most like? What you did last time, expressed this love?
43. Can you remember what he did yesterday? The day before yesterday? And last week?
44. You own decisions or someone takes them for you?
It is necessary to admit that some of the answers I was not expecting to hear from himself. I hope you manage to listen to your inner voice and find harmony with the surrounding world. Share this useful discovery for self-examination with his comrades.
via ofigenno ru
Everything is simple, but incredibly effective. Check yourself!
1. Look at yourself and say, no matter how many years you have given yourself.
2. Fail or so never and not to try? Choose a worst-case scenario.
3. Why, if life is so fleeting, we force ourselves to do so many things that do not like, and so not only do we love?
4. Analyze the end of the day, what was more - empty talk about anything or affairs?
5. If you had the opportunity to change only one thing in your life, what would it be?
6. Imagine that happiness has become a world currency. What type of work would make you rich?
7. You are committed to what you believe, or try to believe in something, what do you do?
8. If human life lasted an average of 40 years, what would you change in your life to live it to the full?
9. How do you keep under control the current event in your life?
10. You went to dinner with friends. These people begin to unfairly criticize your close friend, not knowing that you are friends with him. How will you do?
11. If you could give to his younger brother, sister or own child only one piece of advice in your life, what would you advise?

12. Could you break the law to save a loved one?
13. What makes you different from other people?
14. Remember what you once dreamed of, but never did. Why are you waiting?
15. You hold on to what you it's time to let go?
16. If you were offered permanently move to another country, no matter where you went and why?
17. Whether there is what you nervously push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe that because the elevator will arrive faster?
18. Who would you like to be: a genius unhappy or happy fool?
19. Why are you - are you?
20. Would you like to the same friend as himself?
21. What's worse: if your best friend forever moved abroad or if he lived nearby, but you stopped talking?
22. What are you most thankful to the universe?

23. What do you choose: to erase all of your old memories, or not to accumulate new?
24. Is it possible to get at the truth without fighting?
25. Your greatest fear become a reality?
26. Do you remember when was upset about something five years ago? Now it has at least some value?
27. What is your happiest childhood memory?
28. What events of the past made you feel even for a moment, that you are alive?
29. If not now, then when will?
30. If you have not achieved something, you have nothing to lose, is not it?
31. You have been such that you spent with someone while in silence, and then I realized that it was the best conversation of your life?
32. Why is a religion that preaches love, was the cause of so many wars?
33. Is it possible to answer without hesitation, what is good and what is bad?
34. If you now put in front of a million dollars, would you quit your job?
35. Do you have the feeling that today have repeated hundreds of times before?
36. If everyone you know will die tomorrow, to whom you will come to visit today?
37. You would trade 10 years of his life in the world famous?
38. Is there a difference between life and existence? What?

39. If we learn from our mistakes, why we are so scared they do?
40. What would you do in my life differently, knowing that none of it is you do nothing?
41. When was the last time you heard the sound of your own heartbeat?
42. What are you most like? What you did last time, expressed this love?
43. Can you remember what he did yesterday? The day before yesterday? And last week?
44. You own decisions or someone takes them for you?
It is necessary to admit that some of the answers I was not expecting to hear from himself. I hope you manage to listen to your inner voice and find harmony with the surrounding world. Share this useful discovery for self-examination with his comrades.
via ofigenno ru
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