Stand on the bike confused robomobil Google

funny story рассказал Offline cyclists one of the users under the name Oxfox, who lives in Austin, Texas.
Two months ago, Google started testing unmanned vehicles on the roads of this city, and last week, Lexus He hung with radars, drove into the area, where Oxfox.
"I have almost completed the route, - says the cyclist - we both stopped at the stop at the intersection of the lines. The car stopped for a split second before I did, that is, she had an advantage. I started to stand and wait, when it will pass.
Obviously, the car noticed my presence (he installed video cameras on the perimeter) and stood motionless a few seconds. In the end, he still started to move, but at this time I moved a centimeter, still standing, and the car immediately braked.
I continued to stand, she also retained the stillness, then she began to move again, and I had to swing the bike to keep the balance. The car braked sharply.
We continue this little dance of two minutes, and the car and did not get to the middle of the intersection. Two guys inside the car laughing and pushed some buttons on the laptop, probably tried to change some code to "teach" the behavior of the car in such a situation. And though it was some pipets, but with an unmanned vehicle, I felt more secure than if the wheel was a man ».
This situation is perfectly demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of unmanned vehicles. Yes, in an unusual situation, they may fall into a stupor, if such a situation does not provide the program, but it will still act very safe for others.
Stand on the bike (trackstand)
In comments on a bicycle forum expressed the view that the Google car just admired the ability of Default skillfully stand in front two minutes.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/261078/