The millionaire Robert Fletcher of money and books:
1. Stop spending money
When I came to Ukraine, I bought a mobile phone for just $ 50, and here I see even the 18-year-old girl's phone cost 200 to 500 dollars.
2. Start saving money
Ideally, you want to save from 10 to 50% of their income. The logic is simple: when you have no money, you have no chance to take advantage of new business opportunities, and at the same time to test in practice one of the fundamental laws of money, which reads: "Money attracts money».
3. Invest in real estate
Real estate can be a good opportunity for investment.
4. Protect your money
Invest cautiously and wisely!
5. Invest money with intelligent, experienced people
The best partner for investment - a person who already has experience of making money. He can tell what investments profitable and which are more reliable.
6. Look for new ways to save money to make you more money, and the money - more money. That is, the money you save, you have to invest time and again. Rule by Robert Fletcher: Only after you will have five sources of income, you can spend 10% on entertainment and major purchases.
7. Learn
Learn what you need, how you can earn more money. Ideally, you'll have to learn every week, to further increase their income. I recommend that you read the following books:
• Zig Ziglar. "See you at the top»
• Napoleon Hill. "Think and Grow Rich»
• George S. Clason. "The Richest Man in Babylon"
Leobo Private Reserve - a fantastic holiday villa in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
In the village of Nicolino on the ruble for sale House for $ 100 million.