Nails - they are receiving the energy regulator.
About Nails is always plenty of vital points, which are connected with all the internal organs of the body. Nails are receiving energy regulator, their hairstyle change the rhythm of life:
Monday - nail clippers is the prevention of gynecological and urological diseases. That same day, it shaves sorrow, anguish, complexes and memory of the various troubles.
Tuesday - shave unexpected trouble purchased protection in extreme situations, and also diseases of the blood and the shear head.
Wednesday - shave confusion in thought and deed, improves the nervous system, increases immunity, improves instincts, and increased success in learning, communicating and approaching good news.
Thursday - shave liver disease, prolongs life and increases self-confidence.
Friday - enhances the beauty of the gross physical body. Men are not recommended shear nails, as it strengthens the accumulating toxins in the body and slows the metabolism of cells and so on.
Saturday - is very favorable, as is the day of penance, sheared nail Saturday improves health, reduces karmic debts and improves itself penance. That is, if a woman needs to carry out some kind of penance, the fruit of which she would have given to the welfare of the family, then just before the austerity it is good to cut off nails.
Sunday - shear nails are not recommended, because it is the day of the Sun, and such large purification ceremonies on Sunday is not recommended.
Monday - nail clippers is the prevention of gynecological and urological diseases. That same day, it shaves sorrow, anguish, complexes and memory of the various troubles.
Tuesday - shave unexpected trouble purchased protection in extreme situations, and also diseases of the blood and the shear head.
Wednesday - shave confusion in thought and deed, improves the nervous system, increases immunity, improves instincts, and increased success in learning, communicating and approaching good news.
Thursday - shave liver disease, prolongs life and increases self-confidence.
Friday - enhances the beauty of the gross physical body. Men are not recommended shear nails, as it strengthens the accumulating toxins in the body and slows the metabolism of cells and so on.
Saturday - is very favorable, as is the day of penance, sheared nail Saturday improves health, reduces karmic debts and improves itself penance. That is, if a woman needs to carry out some kind of penance, the fruit of which she would have given to the welfare of the family, then just before the austerity it is good to cut off nails.
Sunday - shear nails are not recommended, because it is the day of the Sun, and such large purification ceremonies on Sunday is not recommended.